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We all make our way back to class after the bell rang. I sat in my seat Bokuto next to me. I laid my head down on my desk "are you going to nap?" Bokuto questioned Aimi. She nodded falling asleep peacefully. The day went on, Aimi sleeping through almost all of her classes. Bokuto would wake her up every now and again. Classes were finally over and he woke her up "Hey Mimi wake up~" he hummed lightly shaking her. She sighs sitting up and looking at him "Mimi?" He chuckles and grabs his things. "Come on I don't want to be late for volleyball~" She sighed standing up and getting her things and following him to the gym. Almost everyone was there. They gave Aimi and Bokuto a weird look/surprised look. Bokuto shows her where she can watch and then he goes to change. A guy with very short dark brown hair and a guy with medium length dirty blonde hair walked up to Aimi as she sat down." Who are you? Are you Bokuto-san's girlfriend?"  The boy with the very short hair asked making Aimi lightly blush. "No I'm jus a classmate of his. I wouldn't date him" She huffs embarrassed since everyone else came over. "Why not?" The dirty blonde guy asked "I don't like human contact or communication. Meaning I don't like relationships." she sighs and grabs her earbuds. Bokuto had come out of the changing room and heard everything and saw her getting upset. "What are you all doing?! you should be warming up!" He shouted at them to get them away from her. Aimi laid down listening to music soon falling asleep.

      After a few hours the practice was over. Bokuto got changed then came out to wake up Aimi. "Mimi wake up~ Practice is over~" he hums nudging her causing her to groan swatting him. He shakes her a little more making her wake up. "What time is it?" She yawns sitting up "5:04" Bokuto said looking at his phone. She nods getting her thing and standing up. Her and Bokuto start walking to her job. "How was your nap?" He asked looking at her. She smiles stretching "It was pretty good. the bleachers were a little hard on my back but I've slept in worse places." He nodded. After them walking and talking for a little bit they arrived at Aimi's workplace. She said her goodbyes to Bokuto and went into work. "Wow. You're on time for once. I'm shocked." Saeyong jabbed at her. She rolled her eyes and switched places with him. Her shift was pretty boring, no one really came out. At the end of her shift she cleaned up and closed up. she walked out and locked the store up. to her surprise Bokuto was there "What are you doing here?" She said shocked. He smiles at her "I wanted to make sure you would get home safely!" She nods and starts to walk with him. As they were walking Aimi's phone started to ring. She looked at the contact and answered it "Hello?" she sighed. "Hi Aimi. I have a client coming over so please don't come back home tonight. Stay with a friend or something." Aimi sighs at her mother's words "Ya ok, whatever bye." She ends the call sighing making Bokuto look at her worried. "What's up?" She looks at him shrugging "I can't go home because my mom is having a 'client' over." She rolled her eyes at the thought "I'm just gonna go to the park or something. So i guessed you wasted your time trying to take me home." He started to shake his head "No no no. You can stay at my place!" He smiles at the idea. "No it's ok. I'm sure ill be ok at the park." she waves him off. "No-" Before Bokuto could say anything it started to rain making him pull her and run. After about 3 minutes of running they got to his house "Come on you'll get sick of you stay out here. Plusss we are at my house now!~" Aimi sighs in defeat and goes in with him taking her shoes off at the door. "Wait right here ill go get you a change of clothes!" He ran upstairs leaving Aimi there by herself. He was back in less than a minute "Here you go! The bathroom is upstairs to the right. You can go clean up~" He smiles warmly at her. She takes the clothes and goes to the bathroom. She took a nice warm shower then got out and dried off. She started to put the clothes on. She noticed the sweatpants fit like normal sweatpants but the shirt. Well the hoodie actually was really big on her and kind of smelt good but also like a guy. After she was done getting dressed she went downstairs to find Bokuto. She found him in the kitchen "Yo where are your parents? Aren't they gonna care that I'm here?" She sighs. Bokuto shakes his head while he cooks "No they are away until Saturday." (It's Thursday btw yall) he finishes explaining and turns around. He looks Aimi up and down making him blush "Are those comfortable?" He asked. She smiles and nods "Ya this hoodie is really warm~ and it smells good~" She hums hugging herself not putting 2 and 2 together making Bokuto blush a lot. He turns around to keep cooking and to hide his face. "What are you doing?" Aimi looked over at him sitting on a stool at the island. "Oh I'm making some ramen for us!~" He smiles. After sometime he finishes making it and gives Aimi and himself a serving. She started eating "Wow I didn't think you would be a good cook!" Bokuto laughs eating his food. Once the finish eating Aimi washes the dishes for Bokuto so he can shower and get ready for the night.


Hey guys, so I thought i posted chapter 2 weeks ago. I just realized it didn't post. I felt bad so here's a double post! Thanks for reading this chapter! 

Word count: 1024

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