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  Aimi went upstairs and started to pack. While she was packing Bokuto texted her a few times. She didn't answer because she wanted to finish packing as soon as possible. Half way through packing her mom started to help her. Once they were just about done the doorbell went off. Aimi went downstairs to answer. When she opened the door she saw her aunt. She got so excited she jumped into her arms hugging her. Her aunt laughs "Hello to you too Aimi!" Aimi pulls away "Wow you've grow up so much" Her aunt wipes a fake tear. Aimi chuckles and all of a sudden a little girl runs up to her aunt grabbing her leg "Mommy Shinzo took Nuvo!" Aimi looks at her Aunt shocked. Her Aunt sighs turning to her car "Shinzo Give him back to her!" Aimi clears her throat catching her aunt attention. "Oh Aimi this is my daughter Yumeko and her older brother is in the car!" She smiles. Aimi smiles and gets to Yumekos level "Hi I'm Aimi! Nice to meet you!" the little girl smiles brightly "Hello nice to meet you!" They shake hands and Yumeko runs back to the car. Aimi's aunt chuckles "She a little shy. Anyways lets get your stuff in the car." Aimi smiles and nods. They grab her things loading up the car. Aimi's mom comes out to say goodbye "I love you so much. I'm so sorry for the hell I put you through. I promise we can be a happy family once I'm better." She cry's hugging Aimi. Aimi hugs back crying as well. After a minute they pull away saying their last goodbyes before Aimi get in the car driving off with her aunt. Aimi finally looks at her phone reading Bokuto's messages. It was just him telling her to let him know what's going on and a few tiktok's he sent her. She explained that she was just moving in with her aunt for a little bit and that she would talk to him once she gets to the house. After a short drive we pull in her drive way. The kids jump out and run into the house and her aunt helps her with her stuff. She leads Aimi to her room and she thank her. After Aimi set everything down her phone starts ringing. She grabs it and see who it is. It was Bokuto so she answered "Hello!" She chimes "Heyy~ I'm guessing you're at your new place. I want to come over and help you unpack!" Aimi smiles and goes downstairs to talk to her aunt "Hey is it ok if my friend comes over and helps me pack?" She smiles. Her aunt looks at her for a second "Ya sure. If this friend is a boy he better not be anything more than a friend." Aimi nods and tells Bokuto the address. About 5 minutes after their phone call there was a knock on the front door. Aimi came down as her aunt answered the door "Hi Sakura! I didn't know Aimi's friend that was coming over was your son! Come in have a drink!" Her aunt smiles moving out of the way letting them in. Once Bokuto saw Aimi he went right to her "Hey hey hey, Let's go get you moved in~" He smiles at her. She nods grabbing his hand leading him upstairs to her room. She sits on her bed and sighs opening a box. Bokuto puts music on his phone and helps build her dresser. Once he finishes he helps unpack her other boxes. After a few hours Bokuto's mom ells upstairs "Bokuto I'm leaving! If you want you can stay!" Bokuto looks at Aimi then yells back "We aren't done yet! I'm staying!" His mom leaves and the continue. After another hour they finish "Now your room looks sick as hell." He smiles falling on her bed as she lights a candle and turns on her fairy lights. She smiles and nods sitting down grabbing her remote "Wanna watch a movie?" He nods happily. Aimi picks a movie while Bokuto quickly goes to the bathroom. He came back in and sat in her big beanbag chair "Yo how long are you staying?" She looks at him "I'm spending the night. duh." Aimi laughs "Bet ill go talk to my aunt. Want Akaashi to pull up too?" He nods. Aimi runs downstairs and into the kitchen "Heyy Can Bokuto spend the night and our other friend Akaashi too?~" She smiles at her aunt. Her aunt turns to her "Sure but all of you have to eat dinner with us" She crosses her arms. Aimi smiles hugging her aunt and thanking her before she goes back upstairs "Yo hoe call our other hoe." She throws herself on her bed. Bokuto calls Akaashi and explains that yall were having a sleep over he also told Akaashi your address. After they hang up they sit there waiting for him before starting the movie. After a few minutes he walks in her room scarring both Bokuto and Aimi "Damn bitch did you just walk in or something?" Akaashi sets his stuff down. He pushes Bokuto off the bean bag and sat there "Your aunt let me in. I'm not rude." Bokuto gets off the ground and sits on her bed. He crosses his arms and pouts "I beg to differ." Aimi chuckles and starts the movie grabbing a blanket and pillow to cuddle with while Bokuto sits next to her. Part way through the movie Aimi's aunt yells upstairs for dinner. They pause the movie and go downstairs. They all sit at the table "Hello kids. I'm Aimi's aunt Mary." She smiles sitting down. They smile and nod introducing themselves "I'm Kotaro Bokuto, but I'm guessing you knew that since you knew my mom." He smiles nicely "I'm Akaashi Keiji" He smiles softly They eat a little. Yumeko keeps starring at Akaashi "you're really pretty. You would be a pretty princess." She smiles shocking all three of them. Bokuto and Aimi break out into laughter. Then Yumeko looks at Bokuto "Are you Aimi's boyfriend?" He stops laughing and looks at the little gitl shocked "Umm.. no.." She stares intensely. She looks between the two then walks over to Bokuto and whispers something in his ear making him blush. Once she sits back down she tells him to keep quite. They all finish eating and go upstairs and start the movie again.


A/N: Had enough motivation to write. Thanks for reading! :)

Word Count: 1094

HeterochromiaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora