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After she washed the dishes she went and sat on the couch to play on her phone. After about 35 minutes Bokuto came down and sat down with her turning on the TV. "Want to watch a movie?~" He hummed smiling at her. She put her phone down "Sure" They scrolled through lots of movies until they found one. They decided to watch Zodiac. Bokuto got up and got them both blankets. Then they started to watch the movie. Like an hour and a half into the movie Bokuto looked at Aimi and saw she was sleeping. He got up turning off the movie and plugging in her phone for her. Then he moved her a little so she was fully laying down. He grabbed the blanket he was using and covered her up so she had 2 blankets. Then he plugged his phone in and laid on the other couch covering himself with a different blanket. Soon he fell asleep too.

    Aimi woke up to the smell of toast. She slowly opened her eyes and stretched. Bokuto walked in "Oh good you're awake! I'm making breakfast it will be ready soon. I washed your clothes they're in the bathroom already. go get ready~" He hummed softly then walking away. Aimi stretched and went to the bathroom. She put on her ripped jeans and went to put on her shirt and realized it wasn't her normal shirt or hoodie. It was black shirt and a red thrasher hoodie. She put them on and went downstairs "Hey where is my normal hoodie and shirt?" Bokuto glances at her. "The are still in the wash. They wouldn't be done on time for school. sorry." She nodded "It's ok" She sat at the same seat as last night. After a minute he gave her breakfast. They sat and ate together "How did you sleep?" Bokuto hummed as he ate. "Actually really good!" She smiles brightly. He smiles "That's good!" they soon finish eating and leave to go to school. Aimi played her music "Hey thanks for plugging my phone in for me last night" He smiles and nods. 

The whole routine of Aimi going to his volleyball practice then being walked home or to work continued for about a month and a half. Aimi's relationship with Bokuto and Akaashi has grown a surprising amount. At this point they consider each other friend. It was a Friday and they were in 4th period. Next period was lunch. Aimi, Bokuto and Akaashi ate lunch on the roof together everyday. The bell rang making Aimi and Bokuto get up, grab their things and met with Akaashi. They all went to the roof and sat together. "Guy's I came up with such a good idea in the middle of class today!" Bokuto exclaims. Akaashi and Aimi look at each other and breakout into laughter. "What is the idea?" Aimi hums stealing some of his food. "I was gonna say you guys should spend the night at my place tonight so we can hangout." He pouts "What about your parents?" Akaashi asked tilting his head. "They aren't home tonight. They wanted to have a 'date night' tonight. so they wont be home until tomorrow so it's ok." He smiles. "That actually sounds fun." Aimi smiles, Akaashi nodding in agreement. "Ok then it's settled! After school Akaashi go home get your stuff then meat us at my place!" He smiles brightly. They continued to plan and eat their food. Then the bell rang and they went back to class. The day was pretty normal. Bokuto and Aimi started to walk to her house. Once they got there Aimi turned to Bokuto "Wait here. ill be right back." He nods and she runs inside. She quickly went to her room and packed a overnight bag. Her mom came in her room "where are you going?" She watched her pack. "I'm spending the night at a friend." Aimi looked at her mom. For once her moms eyes weren't all red and her skin tone looked healthy. "You look good" Aimi said grabbing her charger. Her mom nods "I've been trying you know Aimi.." Aimi stand and nods. "That's good. I got to get going though. sorry bye~" Aimi hurry's out of the house "Ok let's go!" They walked to Bokuto's house. Akaashi was sitting on the porch waiting. "You got here fast." Bokuto chuckles opening the door letting everyone in. Aimi sets her bag next to the couch after she takes off her shoes. She sis on the couch and gets comfy.


Hey sorry this chapter is so short and sorry for the big time skip. I was to lazy to write out that much and I want to get into the good stuff. If you have any questions or requests please comment I will answer!  Anyway thanks for reading this chapter!

Word count: 815

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