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They all sit down at the table. "Hello I'm Bokuto's mom~" She hummed smiling at Aimi. Aimi smiles "Hello Mrs. Bokuto I'm Aimi Choi!" She smiles at her. "Oh you can just call me Sakura~" She smiles "Hey Aimi are your parents Kyo and Yeri Choi?" She asked calmly making Aimi choke a little. "Umm.. Yes.." She said in a worried tone. Sakura smiles "I knew it was you! Do you not remember us? We used to go to your house for business dinners!" Aimi thought for a minute then it hit her. "Oh my gosh! I didn't realize you were the same Bokuto's!" Aimi exclaimed happily. Bokuto sat there for a minute trying to think who his mom was talking about and it hit him "Hana?!" He yelled shocked. Aimi smiled at the nickname remembering it "I didn't realize because Bokuto looks so different from when we were kids!" He nods in agreement. "How have your parents been sweetie?" Sakura smiled at her "Um. I guess my mom is ok. I wouldn't know she barely leaves her room and I haven't heard from my dad in years." Aimi looks down at her food as she picks at it. Sakura frowns "Oh I'm sorry honey I didn't know they weren't together anymore. I'm not going to push anything but I'm gonna assume the split between them wasn't good. If you ever need to stay somewhere please feel free to come here~" She smiles standing up and walking to a different room. Bokuto looks at Aimi "I'm sorry Hana I didn't realize you had to go through all of that." He said as he rubbed her back. Akaashi looks at her "I know I'm clearly not as close to you but I'm sorry. I'm sure it's hard." He looked at her with soft eyes. "Ok no more sad stuff! Let's eat and talk about happy stuff!" Aimi smiles as she starts to eat again. Akaashi gets up to go use the bathroom leaving Bokuto and Aimi alone. Bokuto kept starring at her. She felt him starring making her blush. "I have a question Mimi~" She hummed in response. "How come you took off your bra" He asks tilting his head innocently. Aimi chokes on her food a little "How the hell do you know that perv" She hugs her chest. "Well last night when you were scared and we were hugging I could.. feel it.." He blushed remembering. "I wanted to be comfortable now change the topic before I hit you!" She threatens him. "I'm really glad we were able to find each other again!~" He smiles at her making her blush "M-Me too". She quickly got up grabbing their plats and went to do the dishes. Aimi's face was so read she could be a tomato. Bokuto came in and stood close to behind her pressing his body against hers. She got even more red "What are you d-doing?" She stuttered out. "Getting a cup~" He smiles as he gets a cup and went to the fridge to get a drink. Soon after Akaashi walks in "Yo I got to go guy's. I need to help babysit my cousins." He explained. "Oh ok. thanks for coming~" Bokuto smiles and Aimi waves and says bye. Akaashi left and Aimi finished the dishes. She stretches and yawns. Bokuto looks at her "Are you still tired?" he asks as he sips his orange juice. She nod's rubbing her eye's. Bokuto grabs her had which catches her off guard. He leads her upstairs so a room. "Sleep in my bed. It's much more comfortable than the couch" He points to the kinda messy and big bed in the corner. She smiles "Ok thanks~" She plops in the big bed. She takes a big breath her nostrils being filled with Bokuto's scent. She smiles and curls into the blanket. she cocoons herself and falls asleep. Bokuto sat at his desk to do some studying. A few hours go by and Aimi wakes up hearing drawers closing loudly. She slowly opens her eyes to look where the sound came from. her eyes landed on a man. No Bokuto looking in the drawer with no shirt on. Aimi saw his very muscular back making her blush a little. Bokuto put on a shirt from the drawer. He moved to his desk to do something. Aimi Shuffles a little to seem like she was just waking up. Bokuto turns to her "Good morning Hana~" she looks at her "Hello Kuto~" She stretches looking for her phone. "Hey by the way your phone went off a few times." Aimi nods finding her phone and checking it. She sees a few missed call and texts from her mom. She calls her back "Hey what did you need?" Yawns into the phone. Her mom takes a shaky breath "Hey you need to come home we need to talk.." her face goes from tired to worried "Ya ok ill be right there." Aimi's mom ends the call. Aimi gets up and starts getting ready "Hey what going on" Bokuto looks at her worried "I don't know. All I know is my mom needs me home." She sighs. He nods and stands up "My mom and I will drive you back." Aimi smiles at him "Thank you Kuto" she hugs him quickly then they go downstairs. They find Sakura in the living room "Hey mom can you give Aimi a ride home?" his mom looks at the two. She nods standing up "Ya of course!" They all get in the car. Bokuto's mom pulls up to Aimi's house "Thank you so much Sakura." Aimi smiles and quickly gets out of the car and rushes into the house nerves. Aimi walks in and sees her mom on the couch. Her mom looks up at her with red eyes and pats the spot next to her. Aimi quickly sits down "Aimi..." Her mom takes a deep breath. Aimi grabs her moms hand looking at her worried "I'm gonna go to rehab for a little bit.. You're gonna be staying with you aunt while I'm away." Aimi looks at her with wide watery eyes and hugs her mother tightly. Her mom hugs back just as tightly I don't want you to worry to much about moving schools or anything like that. She has recently moves back into the area. You should be fine." Aimi pulls away a little to look at her mom. She lightly kisses her moms cheek "Thank you mom. I love and believe in you." she says that making her mom smiles. Her mom lightly holds Aimi's cheek "Thank you sweetie. She will be coming soon and i will be leaving. So please go and pack your things." Aimi smiles and nods going to her room to collect her things.


I had this chapter done weeks ago I just kept forgetting to post it lmao. Thank you for reading this chapter! <3

Word count: 1164

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