and i oop👁👄👁

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sickmotherfucker added sickmotherfucker to Class 1-Gay

Puffer fish: dafuq?

Pikachu done fucked up: how?

sickmotherfucker: hehehe

sickmotherfucker change something in the settings

It's pinky bitch: WTF!!!  WHY CAN'T I LEAVE!!!

sick mother fucker: 😏😏😏

Pikachu done fucked up: ewww🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮

sick mother fucker: what?

Ice ice baby: I hope you order Dr.Pepper and they give your ass coke

Innocent cinnamon roll: Bitch, I hope u eat two Popeye's biscuits and u choke

Oc-choo choo motherfucker: i hope one day u get stranded in the jungle and get r*pe by an ape

Speed king: I hope u tryna wrap a present and u can't find the tape

Ribbit ribbit bish: i hope u go get them new j's and they turn out to be fake

Ice ice baby: I hope you win a trip to africa and choke on a grape

Innocent cinnamon roll: hope u decide to take a run and get bit by a snake

Oc-choo choo motherfucker: i hope ur nana cook spaghetti and they run out if plates

Speed king: I hope ur boyfriend (or girlfriend) fuck ur mama(dad) and record it

Rabbit ribbit bish: i hope ur lil' brother find washing power and he snort it

Ice ice baby: I hope your motor blow out I hope you catch a blowout

Innocent cinnamon roll: I hope ur uncle lose his wallet everytime he go out

Oc-choo choo motherfucker: i hope u break ur neck

Speed king: bitch I hope u break ur fuckin spinal cord

Ribbit ribbit bish: hope ur lil' sister fall off her bike and break her handlebars

Ice ice baby: I hope you cut your hand on some glass

Tape me up: are they talking about m*neta

Walking speakers: I think so

It's pinky bitch: djjshbwkwjbjssjsbshjsjy

Innocent cinnamon roll: I hope a homeless person beat u up and sit on ur ass

Aizawa log in Class 1-Gay

Oc-choo choo motherfucker: i hope u go enroll in college and don't pass ur lil' class

Speed king: I hope u fall in some gas

Rabbit rabbit bish: i hope ur kids get a step daddy( or step mom ) and he (she) beat on they ass

Ice ice baby: I hope you fall down some stairs and fuck your knee up

Innocent cinnamon roll: I hope u get in a fight at Walmart and get beat up (imma stop the lyrics right there :D )

sick motherfucker: this is bullying I'm telling Mr.Aizawa!!!!!

sick motherfucker log out of Class 1-Gay

Puffer fish: i-

Pikachu done fucked up: LMAOOOOOOOOO

Hard on ;) : wtf just happened😂😂

Homomo: oop

Can't see me hoes: 👁👄👁

It's pinky bitch: sis got ✨d r a g g e d✨ 💅🏾💅🏾

Sugar daddy: 💀💀💀💀

Soft boi❤: go off then

Aizawa: y'all get extra credit

Innocent cinnamon roll: yay

Speed king: thank u sir

Aizawa: whatever


TiTtY cRoIsSaNt

Cat junkie: man i love my -these kids

Metal's bitch: what they do

Night night bitch: ?????

Cat junkie: problem child, Urakaka, tsu, Iida , and todoroki just roasted m*neta with song lyrics


Bay max uwu: deadass?

Cat junkie: dead ass

The real thigh crusher™: ur class sound wild!!!

Morning wood: whats m*neta doing now?

Cat junkie: he's whining about it to keep

God: I knew class 1-a was good :)

Ectodick: no cap that smiley is scaring me

God: :)

Class 1- Gay

Pikachu done fucked up: bruh u know what i was thinking bruh

Tape me up: what?

Ice ice baby: ??????

Innocent cinnamon roll: aw shit here we go again

Pikachu done fucked up:  if ur leg got cut off would it hurt

Dark lord: .......

Soft boi❤: ........

Homomo: DUH!!!

Pikachu done fucked up: how tho

Puffer fish: cause ur leg got cut off fool!

Pikachu done fucked up: where u gonna feel the pain

Sugar daddy: in your ......leg........

Pikachu done fucked up: exactly bruh

Pikachu done fucked up: how u gonna feel the pain in ur leg

Pikachu done fucked up: when ur leg is gone!

Tape me up: when ur leg is gone!

I don't even know why 😂😂😂✌🏾😔 and sorry for the errors and I got my new phone :p love ya ❤🧡💛💚💙💜

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