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❛ they say 'move on' but you know i won't ❜

the night air was cold on her skin, so cold, but she was hot, so, so hot. burning hot, sweat beading on her forehead, her palms slick, her heart racing, and yet she remained still and steady as she watched and waited and watched and waited.

she hated nighttime, hated the yellow glow of the streetlights, hated it. she crammed another mint leaf into her mouth and spat it back out onto the ground ; she hated it, hated the entire world.

it was the world who'd told her to move on. she saw it in her neighbor's lawn, she saw it in her reflection, she saw it in the sky and the buildings and the sidewalks and the trees ; she saw it in the people who looked at her with pitying expressions and told her to move on, move on, move on.

but he knew – they both knew – she wouldn't.

their first argument had been about his friend.

his friend, the other girl.

she's nothing, he assured her. she's just a friend – just a friend.

and he gave that slightly crooked grin and leaned in to kiss her, that taste of mint, always that taste of mint, and she'd believed him. of course she did, she loved him, always loved him.

she knew better now.

just a friend – just a friend, he'd said, the liar, the fucking liar.

and yet she still loved him. even now, even now.


she was crazy.

𝐌𝐀𝐃 𝐖𝐎𝐌𝐀𝐍 ─── a songficWhere stories live. Discover now