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Peters POV
I sped back into the house, seeing Charles speaking with the other X-men. He looked over to me, I walked over. "What's up, what's going on?"

Charles turned to me in his wheel chair "It's time for another mission."

"Great! What's the mission." I smile tapping my foot quietly.

Scott answers "criminals in town."

I give him a look of disbelief "so what we're cops now?" I huff.

"Peter, it's dangerous mutant criminals. People cops can't handle." Charles added.

I roll my eyes "fine." I mumble.

"Alright X-men, suit up." Charles says looking around at all of us.

Time skip!

We had arrived in town, we sat on top of a building waiting for something. I hate waiting, it's a waist of time.

I sigh "so what are we dealing with here?"

Charles voice chimes in our heads "2 male mob mutants, with their gang. 20 men. All mutants. And one female mutant."

I nod "ability's?"

Charles added "Nothing you cant handle, but be careful around the female. I don't know her ability, she's blocking me out. I can't get into her head. she could be extremely dangerous."

"Great." I huff.

Scott chimes in "there 4 o clock."

We all look over, yup about 20 men entering  a wear house close to the building we're on top of.

Charles began "Thats them, the female must be inside the building." He paused "go, move in, now."

We all began climbing down and sneaking to the wear house.

Your POV

We sat at a small table, the men on one side. And me on the other.

The large boss began "It's an easy job, especially for someone of your talent."

"A job like that will cost ya." I smirk

"I know, will this be enough-" he was cut off by-

"Holy shit- is that." I scoff "the god damn X-men." I giggle. The boss looked back then telling his minions to be ready.

I smile standing up "well you're on you're own now." I scoff turning around. My legs shifting to those of a cheetah and making a run for it. I'm stopped by one of the X-men. He appeared in-front of me the speedster. I smirk my hands turning into claws.

"Let's dance pretty boy~" i giggle quickly bringing my leg up kicking him in the nose, then going to sweep his leg but he sped behind me I then jump backwards grabbing him shoulders digging my nails into him. I flip over mid air, pulling my legs up and kicking him in the back. Sending him onto his face. I scoffed holding him down with one foot.  I heard some people coming my way, I look down to the kid. I raise my foot kicking down onto his head. Knocking him out.
"Nighty night!" I laugh shifting fully into a small black house cat. Running off and hiding in the shadows.

Peters POV
I woke back in my room, in my bed. I had a horrible head ache, I sat up on my bed holding my head.

Charles and Hank walked in "how are you feeling peter?" Charles rolled up to peter in his wheelchair.

I looked between them "I'm alright, I've got a pretty bad headache though."

"I would imagine, that girl got cha pretty bad." Hank notes looking to my nose.

I reach up to my nose, the tiniest bit of pressure made its sting like a bitch.
"Damn." I huff looking up at Hank.

"Do you remember anything about her?" Hank asked.

I searched my mind, trying to ignore my mind splitting headache.
"She was a short girl, about my age. She had h/c hair, and e/c eyes. She was quite beautiful, she was wearing the most revealing one piece. Beautiful bod-"

"That's enough." Charles cut me off.

I nod the warmth of embarrassment filled my face. "So what now?"

"We need to find her, for questioning. Plus the cops want her." Hank stated

"We will not be giving her to the cops, you will find her and bring her here."
Charles looked to Hank.

"But she's-" Hank pleaded Stopping after Charles shot him a look.
"Peter, you get some rest."
I nod as they walk and wheel out of the room.

I go to lay down when Scott walks in, "Heyyyyyy." He smiles with that 'let's do something dumb tone'

"What's up." I ask sitting up again.
"I noticed you've been a bit stressed lately, how 'bout we ease up that stress and have a bit of fun." He snickered.
"Uh what'd you have in mind?"

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