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I opened my eyes, my vision coming back to me. I was in a nice bedroom, gentle sunlight kissed the room. I sat up looking around, the bed was so comfortable. I've never had a better sleep even if it was a bit forced. What- what am I saying.

I quickly get up, sing my bag on a chair near me. A normal outfit lay upon it, I ignore it pulling my hoodie lower. Fully covering my revealing outfit. And grabbing my hand gun from the bag.

I step out of the room quietly, walking down the hall. I heard children running down the hall. I shift into a small house cat hiding behind a plant. I watched as tons of kids ran down the hall filtering into different rooms. I stayed in my house cat form. Moving quickly down the hall, I managed to get to the front door but I heard people on the other end about to come inside. I quickly ran into a room. Not knowing who's, i was surprised to see a bald man behind me. Sitting in a wheelchair behind a desk. He had already seen me so there was No point I'm running, I shifted to my human form.

"Hello, y/n." The man smiled.
"How do you-" I was cut off.
He avoided the question "My name is Charles, Charles Xavier."
"Where am I?"
"You are in my home, my school. For the gifted."
I went to speak but a voice from behind stopped me. "Professor-" I turned it was that brunette boy, pretty boys friend. I sent I'm a death glare.
"You." I hissed my nails turning to claws.
"Y/n I assume you've met Scott." Charles chimed in.
"Yeah, he's one of the assholes that caught me."
A gust of wind hit me, and there was the silver haired boy.
"And theres asshole #2." I glare to him my teeth going sharp.
"That is Peter, or as you lovingly refer to him. Pretty boy."
"How do you-" I was cut off again
"He's psychic." Scott mumbled.
"Right- well I would prefer if you stayed out of my head. I don't need anyone snooping around up there."
"My apologies." Charles wheeled over to me.
"What do you want from me?" I asked focusing my attention on Charles, looking down at him.
"What do you want from me?"
"We need your help, apprehending a criminal we believe you've worked with." Charles looked to Scott, who closed the doors. "He goes by the name Cinder."
"Yeah I know him, he's cheated me many times. I'd love to see him get what's coming to him." I smirk, to see that asshole behind bars. Ohohoho.
"So you'll help us."
This caught them off Guard.
"Why not?" Scott asked.
"Rule one of the street, snitches end up in ditches." (SHANJSKWN BECAUSE ALL THE COMMENTS) I scoff leaning against the wall.
"Look, y/n? That's your name right?" Peter chimes in I nod "You could either help us arrest cinder, or we could take you to the cops? I'm sure they'd love to finally catch you."
I shot him a look "so I don't really have a choice then."
He shook his head "I guess you don't." A cheeky grin plastered on his face.
"Wipe that smile off your face." I mumbled.
Charles spoke up "Now, where can we find cinder."
I groaned "Hiss base is downtown, an abandoned apartment building." I huffed looking to Scott and peter.
"Great. How are we supposed to get in?" Scott looked around "cinder has hundreds of minions, the 20 we fought where only a few of them."
Charles looked to me "I'm sure a visitor would distract him."
I shook my head "oh hell No, I believe I've helped you enough."
"I beg to differ." Scott scoffed.
"Fine, fine, but I warn you. He's not gonna like me showing up uninvited."

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