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Scott and I stole a car, he drove us upto a really Sketchy part of town stoping in front of a building. I looked up and the sign, noo, he didn't, No , he did, he took us to a strip club-

We walked in, i looked around for a second before Scott pulled me to a table right in-front  of the stage.

Your POV
I was backstage Fixing my makeup, when I check the clock. It's my turn on stage, I sigh stretching my arms. Before making my way up to the stage when our announcer chimes in.
"And now one of our best dancers, Kitty!" I took a deep breath before sauntering on stage.
Walking up-to the pole from behind grabbing it with one hand walking around it , then pulling myself up onto the pole spinning for a second before dropping myself back to the floor into a split.
Placing both hands on the pole pulling myself from the floor, arching my back. Then turning myself around, spreading my legs holding the pole behind me. Squatting down a bit before running my hands up the pole quickly pulling myself up, then opening my legs into a full split mid air.
Flipping over my legs wrapping around the pole, I then open my arms. Looking around to the audience. Some middle aged men, some real old men, some women, and the shine of a familiar silver hair. It those damn X-men again.

Peters POV
I look up to the female 'kitty' I realized turning to Scott "holy shit, that's her." I whisper.
He snapped out of her trance "who?" He looked to me.
"The girl, you know, the criminal we where after."
Scott gave me a look of disbelief "that's her?"

Time skip/your POV
My time on stage had ended, I was fixing myself up backstage when. The silver haired X-men and his friend walked over to the backstage entrance.

I quickly grab my bag, coving myself with my hoodie. I turned to my co worker, "hey doll, I-I gotta go. Can you cover for me-" i ask checking behind me as they begin walking into the backstage.

She nods "sure kitty."
I smile "thanks doll!" Running out the backdoor checking behind me once more. The brunette man caught a glimpse of me "shit I whispered to myself, running off in my tall heels.

Before long the silver haired boy appeared in-front of me blocking my path. My ears perk up, hearing the other running up behind me.
I smirk "you really don't know when to quit pretty boy."
I quickly throw him a punch, he dodges appearing behind me next to his friend. The boy placed a hand on his sun glasses pulling them off, a red laser comes shorting my way. I easily dodge the attack, turning into a small house cat. Running quickly over to laser boy, sliding through his legs as I shift back into a human. Then quickly grabbing his leg tripping him and pulling myself up, he caught himself. Leaning on his hand. I run up his back, jumping off his shoulders. Landing on a trash can and jumping to a latter leading up to the building. I crawled up quickly taking off my heels, shoving them in my bag. Running off jumping from the top of the building to another, before hearing them climbing the latter after me. My legs shifted to those of a cougar, gaining more speed I jumped from another roof just to see the speedster in-front of me.

I huff my legs shifting back, I quickly throw a punch to the face. This time he's unable to dodge, he wines seeing as I got him in the nose. It was already broken, I then gave him a kick to the chest. He quickly got up, appearing next to me. I tried to punch him again but every I attack I tried failed.  An idea rang through my head, I sent him a punch he appeared next to me like I thought, but before he did I stuck my leg out. Tripping him , i watched as her rolled almost to the edge  of the building. I smile as he gets up, I quickly turn into a puma. Tackling him, before getting up turning into a human he gets up as well his friend running up behind me. I jump backwards landing behind him laying somewhat sideways I sweep his legs he falls to the ground. He looks to me about to take his glasses off, but I send a kick straight to the face. He whines in pain, as I quickly got up.

Pretty boy disappeared, as I heard him behind me. I quickly moved out of the way, jumping to the next building. Fully shifting into a cougar, then back to a human. Jumping to a window sill. Crashing inside the empty home. Before long they entered from the front door blasting it open. I quickly hide behind the dining table from the blast, they looked around for me as I slid under the table and in-front of them flipping myself up. And going for a kick to the silver haired boys nose, I was too slow. He grabbed my leg pulling me up. But I took my other leg kicking him in the chest, sending my to the ground. I caught myself, looking to the other. A laser coming my way, it hit me sending me into the wall. My vision became blurred, my head light. I tried to stand. The boys walking towards me, I threw a weak punch. The last thing I saw was pretty boy, before my vision went completely black.

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