INTRO: A Toom Melody

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YOU CAN compare my life to a song with a great and perfect melody. But the sad thing is, it was intended to be sang by an artificial intelligence. Yeah, an AI robot is the best comparison to describe myself. An artificial intelligence with a proficient skill on hitting every single note written on the score but hasn't the capacity to do what is not written on the sheet. Has a great range and amusing vocal prowess that since day one is in his default system, he's great you can say that, but the truth is, he's nothing but an empty shell.

Just to inform you, I have a good life that most of the people were dreaming and envy with. I've never experienced to be lack of anything I need to survive the life. Food - there's always a feast in our table. Shelter - I live in the house where you can't easily bump with other people when you roam around. Wealth - as a son of a well-known businessman, wealth was never been a question. Privilege. I have those, I can easily get all the material things I desire. Travel the world. Enter the most prestigious school that will provide me a quality education and hone my skill, I have no problem with that.

Almost a perfect life, isn't it? Yet I have one thing I never experienced for the past fourteen years of my life. The thing that almost every ordinary person already experienced - to be loved.

But what do you think would happen if that great song will be played by an emotionless and heartless thing - an AI to be exact? It will be ruined. You can't call it a beautiful song if it doesn't have the heart. Singing a song isn't simply as hitting the right note but also it should be felt and sang by the heart. It's like telling a story through your voice and heart. I'm aware of that.

But this is me. Living the perfect life of an AI robot. Doing every single thing that the old man dictates. I have a life that is already planned a long time ago. Having no rights to defy the programmed system in me or the blueprint of my whole life, I just need to act accordingly without a dot of mistake if I don't want to be discarded.

Enough of these thoughts. Let's go back to the current situation I'm in.

I'm so sick with this kind of scenario. Sitting inside this dull-colored room with a huge table at the center. Holding a piece of papers, repeatedly scanning and flipping the pages as if it was the most thrilling activity you would ever imagine. On the second thought, it's way better than listening to the sloppy presentation of these feigned humans donned in their corporate attires.

How dare them to call it a presentation? Even a human that is thrice less than their ages can do better. If you're wondering what this presentation all about, I'll give you a brief information.

A bald guy in front of us were discussing with regards to the expansion of our hotel in Europe. That old man was too greedy and ambitious, he's far from satisfaction. He also wants to conquer European countries by branching out our empire. So here I am, torturing myself to listen and watch their child play.

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