VERSE ONE I: He Who Hates Drama

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It was the 23rd day of May when I set my foot in this archipelagic country in Southeast Asia which is officially known as Republic of the Philippines. I'm not here for a vacation. I was thrown here by that old man and that evil mother-son duo.

They are confident enough that this will make me suffer, or maybe at least, serve as punishment to me - but they were all wrong. They didn't know that was the exact opposite. Even they decide to throw me in Bermuda Triangle, if that myth truly exists, I will be more than willing to oblige than to live under the same roof and breathe the same air with them.

Unaware of the fact that this was the best gift I've ever received for my birthday and an indelible episode of my life; they are in glee as they give me this punishment. I'd never thanked them in my entire life, but for once, I will give them my sincerest gratitude for throwing me here in the Philippines, and give the freedom I've always wanted.


Oh! What a great kind of greetings I've got. Smiles, hugs, kisses and tears were dominating the air of the airport making the ambiance more dramatic. As I take a step forward, a young lady on my left side was rushing towards a middle-aged woman who's holding a huge luggage. Beads of tears were overflowing in their eyes. They embraced each other for quite long. It seems that they were apart for a very longtime based on how they hug and cry. If they were that so heavyhearted, why did they leave their child in the first place. I really don't understand the logic of these human being who love theatrics.

With my luggage on my right hand, I turn to the right side. There was a ten-year-old lad ─ I guessed, based on his height and on how he behaves. He is waving a paper which reads, "WELCOME BACK, PAPA! I really miss you!" It's very obvious that he is waiting for his father. Father?

I clenched my fists as the image of that old man past on my mind. I really don't want to see or remember the visage of that wicked old man. Even if he is not here, he never fails to ruin the moment I'm enjoying.

Again, I took a step forward, then roamed my eyes in the whole place. All I can see are those "dramatic scenarios" and on how people waste their time on meeting their relatives or anyone who is coming out. My arrival here is so star-studded. I'm not informed that this will be epic. The airport turns into a huge stage and a good place to take those antics.

But it was not good for me, I'm not fond of soap operas ─ those dramas that have cliché plot and with not so-good artists flaunting a mediocre performance. The longer I stay here and watch those people who love to act suffocates me. This huge area before I arrived becomes a small utility room for me. I can't stand those sights.

Did they not know that there are lots of bacterium and viruses they can get on playing those theatrics? Well, it's their choice why would I mind them.

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