chapter 2 : crusty old bench

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"We're lost, yup we are definitely lost" Cassie stutters as she sat down on the grass. "this is ridiculous, the hill should be right over here" Xander continues. "yeah just like the car.." cassie replied sarcasticly.

"woah woah don't blame this on me, I was certain that I park my car two minutes away from the hill" he said. "and now we couldn't even found the hill" he continues.

"well if its there, we would be on our way right now-" cassie argues. "well,we're not aren't we? That's the fact" xander cuts off.

"okay.maybe we're kinda lost but we can camp here for tonight then maybe we'll found the hill and the car in the morning okay?" I suggest. Good thing we brought out camping gear..


I woke up on an orange tent, I turned to anna and woke her up. "Anna..ann the sun is up" she falls back to sleep. I decided to come out the tent. But its different. Enormous trees,lots of them. Did we walk this far? Cause im pretty sure  there are no huge trees last night. Then I saw something familiar. The hill. Yet its so far away. And we are in a different side of the hill. we're in the woods. How do we end up here?

"what the-" Xander while stepping out of his tent. " did we really walk this far?" he continues.

"hey you guys, is that what i think it is?" Cassie says as she points.

"The hill" the five of us says..

"but how?! we were just there last night" leo shouts as he took of his beanie. "there must be some kind of explanation right?" xander continues.

"lets just hike there i guess? the car should be behind that hill" Anna appears.

as they started to pack things up, i turned my head to the left. Brown wood bench. covered in brown leafs. the bench that is in my dream. "guys im just going to take a quick stroll over there it'll be quick i promise" i say as they tried to flatten the tent. "kay, be careful" Leo shouts.

as i walk there, chills shivering down my spine. it felt so real. the bench looks exactly like in my dream minus the torch i was holding, crusty old wood with a black metal on the side and surrounded by huge trees. then suddenly "Rain! Rain!" that voice,"the lion" i say to my self. i turned my back slowly and it turned out to be Anna. "what lion?but anyway we're all packed" she says. "are you okay?" she asks.

"this bench, its..its" i stutter. "old? come on, we gotta go before it gets dark again" she replied as she pulls my arms gently. i turn my head to the bench. why was this crusty old bench in my dream?

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