What I Saw That Day

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This poem is like a story told in the form of a poem, that's why it's so long. I hope that you like it!

We had been out on the path earlier that morning when we heard the storm sirens.
It was sunny,
The sky a wonderful shade of blue,
But I never knew
Just how bad it would get.
As of then we walked back calmly, as it was still clear.
When we got home we heard the second storm siren.
We knew that it was going to get bad then,
So I checked my phone.
Lots of warnings, alerts, and whatnot.
But me being me I went outside to see if I could spot
The thing that was coming towards us.
The clouds got darker and darker,
The wind started to blow harder
And the clouds roiled in the sky like boiling water.
It was scary, yes,
But God bless
No one got hurt.
We went inside when we heard a large tree fall.
We knew now that things had gotten really bad.
But then the power flickered once,
Then it when dark.
We went to the basement,
Waited it out,
Watched as the trees bent to the mighty wind's will,
Watching the rain pour down in sheets.
We waited for about half an hour,
And my mood began to sour.
I had been waiting for awhile now,
I was restless.
But mom said we could go up, and we did, sticking close as we went outside.
Leaves and branches had been tossed to the side,
I couldn't see the downed trees yet,
But I knew they were there somewhere.
I could hear people talking,
See them in their yards,
The were all looking
At the damage that had been wrought,
My brother and I went for a walk,
What we saw shocked me,
For the mighty oak tree
That had once stood tall was no longer there,
Large branches were strewn across yards and streets,
People were moving them, I offered help, but they said no.
So we continued, stepping over branches and going around fallen trees,
Helping where we could, clearing the path for bikers and runners,
And when we got home I was glad to be back.
This was going to take awhile to clean up,
But I knew we could bounce back.

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