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It's 10:30pm and it usually takes me forever to write a chapter so I hope I get this done tonight lol

I'm in good mood so here have another joke

I bought some shoes off a drug dealer and I'm not sure what he laced them with but I've been trippin' all day


here u go my lovelies please vote and comment xo


"Look at you," Ellie grinned, "all doing your homework, and shit."

Luke chuckled lightly under his breath, struggling while trying to lean the page on his leg as he attempted to do his homework on Ellie's bed. They were watching t.v. while working and, to be honest, it was distracting the hell out of him and he just wanted to turn it off, but there was no way he'd tell her that.

"Yeah, and now I know why I never do it. It's a pain in the ass," he scoffed, playing the role he had grown accustomed to playing around Ellie.

His handwriting was bad enough without the added difficulty of writing on an extremely uneven surface, and just by looking at the chicken-scratch on the page, he knew he'd end up redoing it when he went home later.

"Done," Ellie sighed, throwing her copy somewhere over the other side of the room, making Luke cringe, and stood up from the bed.

"Wanna order Chinese and stuff our faces while watching a movie or something?" 

Luke looked up from his work at the question, and scrunched his nose up.

"I'd rather pizza, if I'm honest," he replied.

She looked at him and frowned, pouting a little.

"I love pizza, but it's so greasy and fatty and I just can't afford to-"

"Oh yes," Luke cut her off, "because Chinese take-out is just so much better. You know, with all that frying and shit."

Ellie's hands dropped fro their place in the air and she nodded in acceptance.

"Touché," she admitted, grabbing her phone from her desk, "Double pepperoni with extra cheese and stuffed crust, coming right up. I'll order and get make popcorn, you keep doing your homework. Don't wanna stop you when you're on a roll, now, do I?"

Luke laughed quietly at her joke as she left the room, but as soon as she was gone, he threw the pen back onto her desk and crumpled up the page before tossing it into the bin. There was no way in hell he was gonna hand that up to his teacher, it wasn't even legible. He'd do it again when he was home at his desk and could focus purely on that and nothing else.

Stretching, he made his way out to the kitchen, where Ellie was busy putting a packet of microwave popcorn into (you guessed it) the microwave. Her parents always worked late which meant they had the whole house to themselves. Not that it would matter if her parents were home. It's not like they'd be doing anything above the PG-13 mark, except for the odd, "that's what she said" remark, anyway. Luke was way too deep in the friendzone for that to happen - she'd made that clear. If he was any deeper in the friendzone, she'd be sending him her nudes for approval before they went out to other guys. Although, that would be a step up, he thought.

"Luke?" Ellie called, as if she had said it more than once, which she probably had.

Luke blinked a few times, coming out of his daze and back to his senses, before mumbling a confused, "Hmm?"

She raised an eyebrow at his disoriented state, but passed no remark.

"I asked if you wanted to watch American Horror Story with me," she enlightened him, pouring the popcorn into a large glass bowl.

He nodded slowly in understanding, uttering a "Sure," before plopping himself down on the couch.

Ellie arrived beside him shortly, clicking the Netflix app icon on her T.V. remote and putting on the last episode she'd seen. 

"Okay, so basically in this season, it's in a mental asylum and it's a whole different set of characters and this guy called Kit...." Luke heard Ellie ramble on, but he'd zoned out. He'd gotten hooked after they'd watched the first 3 episodes of season one and had already finished up to the end of season 3, but he wasn't planning on telling her that any time soon. She thought he was a macho bad-boy who loved action movies and explosions, and he sure wasn't going to prove her wrong by gushing over how cute he thought Tate and Violet were in season 1 (even if they were his OTP).

The intro had started and Luke whipped out his phone. The intro was scary as shit and creeped him the hell out - but as far as Ellie was concerned, he was just replying to a text one of his friends had sent him earlier. She scooted closer and lifted Luke's arm, cuddling herself into his side. The background noise of the T.V. held none of his attention as his thoughts drifted to what he could possibly get Ellie for her birthday. His hand reached up and toyed with the rose gold ring around his finger, looking down to where Ellie's one rested on a chain around her neck.

Except, it didn't.

"Ellie?" he asked in confusion, and she looked up at him.

"Where's your chain?"

Her face paled slightly and she reached over to the remote, pausing the T.V..

"I, uh, meant to talk to you about that actually," she stammered, swallowing nervously.

Luke raised his eyebrows and bit his lip anxiously. Had she taken it off? Had the whole 'childhood matching jewellery' thing gotten too childish and stupid? Of course it had. When had she last worn it? He felt stupid that he had kept his own on for so long.

"We're having a bit of money trouble and I knew it was pretty valuable, so, as much as I didn't want to, I had to sell it to that pawn shop down the road about a week ago," she mumbled, looking down at her lap.

His mouth dropped open and he felt bad for calling the sentimental pieces of jewellery 'stupid'. They had gotten them when they were both five, at the funeral of a close family friend. He was a war veteran who had died on the front, and his wife had given them a ring each, saying how John had loved the two children so much and how it was 'nice to see childhood sweethearts again'. She'd said it reminded her of her and her late husband when they were young. And then she had started crying.

Ever since that day, Luke had worn his on his finger, moving it from his middle to his ring and, eventually, his pinky finger as he grew and his fingers gotten fatter, and Ellie had worn it on a chain around her neck. 

"Hey," he soothed, stilling her hands as she fidgeted, "Don't worry about it."

And, just like that, he knew what he was going to get her for her birthday.




I have a v good plan for this and I am so excited to get this show on da road

All I could think of during the whole homework part was "EVERY NIGHT HE STUDIES HARD IN HIS ROOOOOM"

Ok I'm gonna go now

But pls vote and comment ily all


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