
356 21 2

hey what's the best thing about Switzerland

I don't know but their flag's a huge plus


not really
It's Toblerones but I thought the joke was funny

Please vote and comment and *follow me* if you haven't already my lovelies ok goodbye


"Hey, Dumbass, wake up."

Luke's eyes opened slowly the sight of a blurry figure at the end of his bed.

"Mum's going shopping for the day and she wants to know if there's anything in particular you want her to buy," the person continued.

Luke groaned and rubbed his eyes, trying to wake himself up. He glanced over at the clock on the beside table and groaned loudly when he saw it was only eight-thirty in the morning.

"Seriously, Ben?!" he tried to shout, but his voice was still hoarse from sleep, or lack thereof. "You woke me up at eight-thirty on a Saturday morning for that?" 

"Mum's orders," his older brother shrugged, "Now, do you want something or not?"

"No," Luke grumbled, "I don't want anything from the fucking shops."

Ben mumbled something which resembled a 'Suit yourself', and left the room, leaving Luke awake and very, very pissed off. He'd been up until 2am working on a project for school, and when he did eventually get to bed, he couldn't sleep. Anybody who knew Luke knew very well that anything less than 7 hours of sleep led to something comparable to the Antichrist the next day.

He pulled the covers back up over his head and hoped the grips of sleep would pull at him again, but it was futile. Once he was awake, there was never any possibility of getting back to sleep - something which bit him in the ass quite regularly.

He juggled the ideas of either staying in bed and doing nothing for a while longer, or getting up. He was close to choosing the first option, but a rumble from his stomach told him that food called. Shrugging the covers off, he begrudgingly put his legs over the side of the bed and pushed himself up onto his feet, wandering towards the kitchen.

"Jesus, Luke, put some clothes on," was the first thing Luke heard upon entering the kitchen. He looked down, remembering he was only in boxers.

"If you don't like it, move out," Luke responded monotonously, not in the mood for his brother's shit this morning. He poured himself some cereal and went to the fridge to get some milk, only to realise there was none.

"Are you fucking kidding me? There's no milk," he grumbled, slamming the fridge door shut again.

Ben looked at him.

"Why do you think Mum went shopping, idiot?"

"Hopefully to buy you a house so you can move out," Luke said, sitting down at the table with a spoon and his bowl of dry cereal.

"Maybe she'll buy some tampons, too, while she's at it, because you're clearly on your period," Ben retorted, sitting back in his chair with his arms folded.

Luke ignored his comment and instead ate his breakfast in silence, hoping the food would kick in and make him feel less like the Spawn of Satan. Looking out the window, he noticed the car was gone and cursed under his breath.

"Did Mum take the car?" he asked his brother, finshing off the last of his breakfast.

"No, she decided she wanted to walk the 30 kilometres to the shopping centre and drag the groceries back home with her," Ben snorted sarcastically.

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