Judgemental Society

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We live in a judgemental society.
Where everyone of us has our flaws.
They expect us to be perfect,
But they themselves are not.

We live in a judgemental society.
Where the real you is abstract.
We hide who we are,
Because we are always being attacked.
We live in a judgemental society
Where only they can decide how you act.
Being yourself is a crime,
Your facade always has to be intact.

We live in a judgemental society.
Where we are torn away from our opinions.
Forced to be puppets.
Twiddling our thumbs while we listen.

We live in a judgemental society.
Where beauty outweighs personality.
Your looks matter more than originality.

We live in a judgemental society.
Where money defines your future.
The rich are glorified while the poor are called losers.

We live in a judgemental society.
Where there is no way to escape.
We are stuck here forever
Because we have all been chained.

We live in a judgemental society.
Where we are called weak for being sad.
We can't express our views and feelings
Because we'd be labelled as mad.

We live in a judgemental society.
Where no one wins.
Our hope cast aside.
As the real you fades within.

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