C H A P T E R 29

996 51 14

Jin's POV

I woke up.My head still hurts from last night activity.Wondering what time is it,I checked my phone on my night stand.


It still early and mom is probably downstairs,watching her favourite Victoria Secret show.I got up from my bed and went to my bathroom to wash my face.Once I was done,I went downstairs.

"My baby! How are you feeling?" My mother greeted me as she watched her show that I mentioned a while ago.She put her hand on my forehead to check the heat of my body.

"Mom! I'm fine! I was just dizzy." I assured her that I am fine now. "If you say so.I just made breakfast so it might still be hot." I nodded and went to the kitchen to eat.

Everytime I ate a spoon,I felt like vomitting but I managed to not to.Once I finished,I went to my room again.As soon as I locked my door,I went straight to the bathroom and puked everything I just ate.

Guess my baby didn't like it.I hate when this happens everyday.I couldn't enjoy my food very well.After I was done,I flushed the toilet and went to shower.

I came out,feeling fresh than ever.I took out my outfit of the day and checked the mirror.

"Hey baby." I pat my belly. "I couldn't wait for you to be here with us." Although Jungkook is still young,he said that he would be responsible with it.Never I have I thought about having a family in an early age but I don't mind since I have Jungkook is with me.

There was a soft knock on the door. "Seokjin? Haneul is here.He said he wants to meet you." It was mom.Not him! I don't want to meet him! After what he did to me,my perspective towards him changed.

I knew he was already sober that night and he used the advantage of me.I felt like crying.After gaining my mentality strength,I walked to the door and exit my bedroom.

Downstairs,I could hear some talking which I'm guessing mom and Haneul.As I walked down,he greeted me.

"Jin,good morning.How are you feeling?" He went straight to me,acting like he is already my husband when he is not.

"I-I'm fine.W-What are you doing here?" I asked,stuttering as he took my hand and went to sit on the couch with mom."Since we are together now officially,I thought we could go out on a date?"

Officially.I didn't like the sound of that.Since when we become official?

"We're not even dating.I'm sorry but I don't want to." I rejected him real good.I saw the look on my mom's face,disappointed with my behaviour.

"Jin-ah,your father and I agreed on this marriage since Haneul's father was the one suggested the two of you should get married.I knew what happened with your last boyfriend.I'm sorry about that." She might be the softest person I've ever met but gets really serious when something like this happened.

"Plus,I heard that Haneul have liked you for a long time.I'm sure both of you would be great together." She continued.Him? Liked me? This is getting way out of hand.I decided once again to reject.


"No buts! I'm sorry Jin but your father really wanted you to be with him since his father and yours are close.He really wanted to strengthen the bond." Her voice was stern.At the end,I gave up.It's useless to debate about this now.

"Fine.I'll go out with you." I look at him with bored eyes.The man cheerfully clapped and kiss my cheek. "Let's go out now,shall we sweetheart?" I nodded,not liking the situation right now.

Where is Jungkook when I need him the most?

Both of us went to my room as my mom insisted to bring him too.Once we are inside,I spoke. "I don't know what you're planning but remember,I don't like you." I turned my back and went to take my charged phone and wallet.

Suddenly,I felt him hugging me from behind. "Don't be like that babe.I didn't plan it.My dad did but I always like you though.So I guess I'm lucky to have you as mine." He kissed my neck.

"Strawberries." He murmurs. "You tasted so sweet.I'm sure you taste more sweeter when we're on bed like before." I struggled to release him from me but failed as he was stronger than me.

"Ha-Haneul! S-Stop it!" The grip he has on me loosen a bit and I finally could breathe. "I will wait for you to fall for me.As long as you're mine and only mine.I don't want any boys or girls trying to make a move on you.Including your boyfriend.

And if you did,the punishment wouldn't be too great." He smirked which made me shivered.

Help is the only thing I need.I don't want him!

Once again,I felt like vomitting again.I quickly ran to the bathroom and vomit again although I just did about an hour ago.Haneul came behind me as he rub my back.

"Are you okay babe? Are you-" The male stopped. "Are you pregnant?" I didn't answer him back and just wash my mouth and face.

"Jin! Tell me! Are you pregnant?" He was starting to get really annoying.I walked away from him but he grabbed my hand. "I'm serious.Tell me babe." His voice suddenly turned sweeter.

"Yes I am! There! Are you happy?" His eyes went big.I swore that he looked angry a while ago. "You're not kidding,right? We are going to be parents! We must have did something when I was drunk,right?" He smirked.I was silent.

"I'm happy for us.It's our baby." He gave me a peck on my lips and rub my clothed belly. "Thank you Jin for giving us a blessing." He kissed me once again.

Oh,how I wish I could tell him that this baby is not yours.Please Jungkook! Take me away from him!

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