The Beginning

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Five years ago was when the letter was wrote. A letter to his future self. He never expected to get one back. But things in this town were changing, and he wouldn't be surprised if he got one.

"That's him that's the boy" The agent spoke as people were gathered around at the screen. They're eyes focused on the boy leaving the library. Louis was being watched, not because he was a criminal but because of what people knew he was. But he didn't know. He never did.
"Suspect is heading down River Road. I repeat suspect is on the move down River Road" The general spoke watching people move out. "Copy that, we'll send him in. "


June 21,2020

10:30 am

Today was Louis' birthday and like any other birthday he celebrated. Waking up like normal except today was different he had something to be excited about. Turning 18. "Mom I'm almost ready, please don't eat without me! " He yelled from the bathroom in the hallway smiling. He finished getting dressed and walked out heading down stairs. "Pancakes my favourite thank you mom" He hums sitting at the table with his family as he began eating. "Today's the day you get your power are you ready? " She asked softly, setting her plate down as she sat across from Louis.

"Of course mom." He assured. Every eighteenth birthday kids got powers that would help them in life. Well, that's what Louis thought at least. "How do I know what it is? " He asked curiously as he used his knife to cut the pancake glancing at his mother. "It will appear on your wrist for the day, after that it'll be gone" She said shrugging. "But Louis listen to me. Do not tell anyone about this, if you do you'll be hunted down and killed" She said sternly shaking her head. "Just don't" She sighed as Louis gulped. "Okay mom, I understand" He whispered looking away. This made him terrified. He takes it back, he doesn't want super powers.


1:00 pm

As Louis stepped into the library he felt the chills of the somewhat cold air hit him in the face. The boy rubbing his hands together for warmth as he headed to his usual spot smiling to himself. This is how each day went. He would wake up, eat, shower, talk to his mom, go to the library, eat some more and then sleep. It was like a never ending cycle. The boy took a seat and started looking at the computer screen in front of him. As he logged in he heard a ding from the screen. The boy logging into his email confused as he suddenly stopped everything he was doing.

His eyes reading over the screen. It had to be some sick joke, it couldn't be possible.

Message From:
1:06 pm, June 21,2020
Message To:
1:06 pm, June 21,2020

Subject: 22441
Future Self: Don't speak to any strangers today. Especially the curly haired one.

Louis' eyes read over the message quickly his eyebrows furrowed as he replied.

Louis: what do you mean? Is this some kind of sick joke?

Future Self: of course not, this is you from the future, if you talk to that boy your life is over. Don't do it.

Louis: stop playing around. I'm not falling for it.

Even though Louis' heartbeat quickened he couldn't believe it. He can't. But he somehow wanted to. He never told anyone that password and as crazy as it sounds, he somewhat believed the email. And just as the email predicted his eyes scanned the library room. His eyes landing on a particular lad. Curly hair that was brown, green eyes, and very tall. He looked back at the screen hearing it vibrate.

Future Self: Do not speak to him.

Louis: you can see me?

Future Self: no but I know you looked at him. Just don't speak to him, I'll tell you why later.

Louis: why later? Tell me now.

And that was it. The messages stopped there, he waited and waited. Biting his finger nails nervously as he stared at the screen hoping for something to pop up. And all that showed was an ad. He looked back over at the man. Watching as they made eye contact. The man starting to walk over. That's when Louis really panicked. So of course he started gathering his things his eyes wide with fear.

"Hey there, why the rush? Future self say not to talk to me? " The man spoke. Voice deep and soothing.
Louis looked at him with confusion, "y-you know about that? " He stuttered out, "of course I do. Even though your future self warned you, he can't change the future" The man spoke grinning, "I'm Harry, your future husband" He stated making Louis almost choke on air. "W-what? " He asked surprised. "Future... Husband? "

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