a new beginning(1)

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You stare at the tall, spiky haired man and grab his hand. "Yes I do" you chuckled, while you was getting into the car. Karasuma started the car and began to drive. Meanwhile, you fell asleep straight away. Is this a new beginning?

Your name is Y/N and all your life you felt like a mistake and a failure and no one can change that. Before you was born, your mum didn't want you, she was 34 and already had 2 kids she didn't want another- she was happy. But for your dad, it wasn't enough, he wanted another baby. Your mum accepted and she gets pregnant, she was blessed with another baby, but for your dad ...he thought he made a big mistake. When you was born, your dad didn't want you anymore, but your mum would never abandon you, so your dad found another way. Another way to try and get rid of you.

Your mum had 2 jobs, she was a cleaner, and a delivery driver meaning that she goes to work at 7am and cleans and does late night shifts for delivery. She comes back home at 11pm at earliest.

Your brother was 21 at the time already left home and living his life. Your sister was 17, finishing school so she still lived with you, but she wanted to hang out with her friends and start life as an adult. That left you and your dad alone, a lot. He would abuse you physically by punching and kicking you whenever you cried. He found it annoying and was disappointed that you cried at the smallest things.

You were 2 months old when it started. All the abuse.

Your mum could never understand why you always cried whenever he came near you or even looked at you. To him: he regretted making the choice to have you and wish that he never even thought about having you. To you: you were a baby, but as you grew you thought you was a mistake and a disappointment. Just like your dad said.

One night, it was you and your dad as usual while your mum was at work and your sister was at her friend's house. Your dad was punching you while you were on the sofa because he was getting you changed and you couldn't put your arm in your shirt. Your sister was having a sleepover, but she forgot her toothbrush. So she came back to the house to see your dad abusing you. (Your 4 at this time)

Your sister rings your brother and he rings your mum. Your mum was 11 miles from home so she would come last to the house. To save you. While your mum is rushing back home, your brother gets on his bike and comes to the house. Your sister was hiding behind the wall in front of the house until someone came. Your brother darts in and gets your dad off of you. They start fighting. Your eyes were becoming more tearful now than before when he was abusing you. blood is all you could see. You wanted it to stop, no one should fight your own battles other then yourself. So you screamed to make them stop.

It did .. nothing. Your dad become more in control and grabs your brother by the neck and strangles him, choking him to death. your brother: I love you Y/N, I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough. His words make you want to kill everyone in your way, no one should ever feel weak. Your brother lies on the floor. Dead.

Your mum comes in the car she finds your sister and tells her to run away so he doesn't get to any of us and make it worse. Little did she know it already did. Your sister runs away we had no idea where she went but we know that she would always be safer now. Your mum rushes in and quickly grabs you and runs. You look outside the window to see the police, you look back to see your dad. He was gone. You start to scream and cry and you tell your mum, she begins to cry too. He got away with it..and he's not getting punished for it. What is this world we live in ?

(Time travelling to age 7)

Your sister is still no where to be found, you think about your brother everyday and what he said "I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough". Your mum has found another partner he seemed nice and he was very kind to your mum. She deserves it after what she has been through, seeing your child getting abused isn't something you want to see at all. Your mum's partner moved in, but something wasn't right. He was always out of the house and he started to smell of alcohol and drugs.

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