trauma (3)

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Bit of a recap:

This is my first time in a proper room. I had to share with my sister but when she died my mum kept the room the same and it didnt last long until I was sleeping outside then on the streets. I found a top and shorts, so I put them on, close the curtains and grabbed my blanket. I put it in a ball and cuddled up to it, I felt safe that way.

Warmth, the first thing that you felt as soon as you layed your head down on the pillow and covered yourself up with blankets. You used to sleep outside alot in all sorts of weathers. You were cuddling up to the blanket, it felt like Karasuma gave it to you as a gift. My first gift. That made you smile just thinking about it. Smiling, you don't remember the last time you even smiled until Karasuma came. You clenched onto the blanket as you were cuddling up to it, you did this because it felt like a hug. You adored hugs, enjoying someone's warmth and them enjoying yours. The last person you could think of that hugged you was your brother and sister.

"Y/N come on we need to go before it closes!!" Your brother shouted as you were trying to catch up to him. "I'M NOT AS TALL OR AS OLD AS you're faster dumbass" you tried shouting at him while panting from running. "Yeah yeah whatever" your brother says while laughing.
"Shiya is already there and there's only 10 minutes left to get mum a gift for her birthday so let's hurry up, last one there's a rotten egg!"Dakene says and then runs like an idiot thinking he's going really fast if he puts his hands in the air.

You both race. You were running next to each other, both trying to run faster than the other person. So you cheated so you could win by sticking your leg our in front of his to make him nearly trip but he doesn't fall, so it slows him down. You get to the end you see your sister there waiting at the shop entrance you go to hug her but then Dakene grabs your jumper and pulls you back making him win.

You now have 7 minutes to get mum a gift and leave. You all go into the shop and decide to get your mum a necklace with all your initials on, wrapping paper and sellotape. It took a while to decide what to get her but you all wanted something off everyone and you knew that your mum liked. You now have 2 minutes. You all went to the checkout and payed for it but you felt like your being watched. Dark eyes beaming in your back trying to stare into your soul and rip it apart. You brushed it off, you didn't want anyone to worry because it's your mum's birthday and it's suppose to be a happy day.

Little did you know the countdown has only just begun. After you all payed you all went to a park and sat on the grass underneath a blossom tree to wrap your mum's gift. Again you felt someone staring and watching you like a hawk.

You hugged Dakene and Shiya for getting mum the gift but you really wanted to go home not just to give mum her gift...but for safety. Something doesn't feel right.

Someone threw a knife at Dakene and Shiya at the same time in a flash. Your life is flashing before your eyes. They were in your arms one minute ago and now they are on the floor pouring with blood.

(Back to reality)

"ARGHHHHHHHH" you started screaming and kicking. Eyes filling with water and hatred. Fists starting to clench making your hand bleed a little bit from your nails digging into your skin. "I WILL KILL YOU" you stand up from your bed screaming while staring outside your window. Karasuma comes into your room and stays at the doorstep to see your next moves. You didn't know that Karasuma was there because you were so focused looking outside the window staring at people walking down the alleyways, on the streets, and sitting on the bench. You start mumbling " I will kill you, if it's the last thing I do..then so be it." You punch the window making it crack, but it didn't fully brake everywhere. Blood was now dripping off your hands but you didn't care. It didn't hurt or bother you. " Y/N WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOUR SAFE NOW" Karasuma yells while running up to you. He grabs your shoulders and stares into your eyes again "y/n listen to me, you are safe and Is there something you haven't told me, were you having a nightmare?" You just look down with your hands down your side still with blood dripping. "Y/N I promise you that no one can harm you now and they will have to get to me before they can get to you and trust me that's impossible, I told you I will explain more stuff tomorrow and you tell me more tomorrow aswell but right now it's 3:28am. Now will you answer my question... Was you having a nightmare?"Karasuma questions while still staring into your eyes he was trying to be patient but he kept telling himself that he doesn't know how strong she is, or how far she will go with things.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2020 ⏰

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