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Loving a damaged person is one of the hardest, bravest things you could ever go through. It's a series of battles that will change you forever, battles few are strong enough to endure. Loving a damaged person requires rivers of patience and oceans of love.⁠
It's fighting for someone who's only half present, half available. Someone who keeps your relationship undefined, someone who locks their feelings in a valve with no keys. It's climbing the walls they've built around themselves, and never quite reaching the top. It's desperately shouting out for them to open up, as they dive deeper into themselves as you approach.⁠
It's being sent mixed signals because they want you, yet they fear you. They fear the feeling that still haunts them from the past, the feeling of being hurt, the feeling of being left behind.⁠
And they realize that this feeling only comes from being vulnerable, from opening up to people, from making them see the real you. That's why they have mastered ways to protect themselves from getting hurt.⁠
The smell of betrayal still lingers on their door, and whatever you do and no matter how much you try, it seems impossible to prove to them that you're not like the rest, that you will never leave them, that your love is stronger that any force in this world.⁠
But, damaged people crave love more than anything else, yet they run from it at its very sight sometimes. They want an emotional connection, yet every time they try to establish one, ghosts of their past start haunting them, carrying images of the pain they had to endure. They push you away, yet secretly hope you would still insist on staying. Damaged people are so full of love, and that's exactly why they're so afraid to fall in it.⁠
That's why, if you choose to love a damaged person, you have to be patient with them, you have to be delicate, you have to make the first step too many times, and most importantly, you must have real feelings for them, feelings that will endure the challenges of time, the battles awaiting you, the storms approaching the coast of your heart. 


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