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(M/n) sat on (D/n)'s bed and watched (D/n) do her homework, Ushijima entered the room, he sat next to (M/n) and wrapped his arm around his shoulder.

"Can we go to the living room?" Ushijima asked "of course, why?" They stood up.

"I...need to talk to you about something" they moved to the living room an sat on the couch.

"What's up Wakatoshi?" (M/n) asked and kissed his cheek "its bout (D/n)" he said sadly.

"Ah..well we can't force her now can we?" (M/n) smiled sadly "i know..but i want to at least know why she's been avoiding me ever since we adopted her.."

"Does she hate me or something? I don't think i have done any harm to her.." Ushijima leaned on (M/n).


"Hmmm, maybe i can ask her herself how about that? Knowing that she only talks to me and all.."

Ushijima nodded "please do" he said in a pained look "okay, stay here" (M/n) kissed him again before going back to (D/n)'s room.

"Hey (D/n)" (M/n) smiled and sat on her bed, she sat on her study desk "
"What is it papa?" she looked at him with a smile.

"I want to talk to you about something" he closed her book "let's finish this later"

He sat her on his lap "what did you want to talk about papa?" She asked him.

"Its about your Dad, please understand and talk to me about it openly okay?"

"..." Her expression changed and she looked away "(D/n), don't be silent, please speak to me" he sighed.

"Ok.." She spoke quietly "okay then,"

"Why have you been ignoring him? Is here a reason?" He started "..." She didn't answer " please be honest" (M/n) held her small hands.

"Its....nothing" she said with an upset tone "i said be honest (D/n)" he patted her head.


"Promise you won't be angry..?" She spoke in a quiet voice "i...promise" (M/n) promised.

"I don't want him...because i wanted a proper family, a mommy.. A daddy... A-and he's not a mommy.." She admitted.

" so the reason was that you wanted a proper family?" He asked, she nodded slowly.

"But we are a proper family (D/n)" (M/n) smiled softly "you have two parents right? Me and Wakatoshi"

"Even if you don't have a mom, at least you have two dads right? (D/n), understand this"

"Not all families have perfect families, some have one parent, some with the same gendered parents, even some with split parents, and yes, even some without parents"

"So please understand that not all families are perfect, at least be grateful that you have two now"

"So treating Wakatoshi like a ghost really pained him, makinh him think that he did a bad job of being a father.." (M/n) frowned.

"Its his first time being one, so please make him feel and know that you are now proud as his- our daughter" he smiled.

"I...I'm sorry" (D/n) sniffled, she covered her face on (M/n)s chest "i didn't know.." She cried.

"Its okay (D/n), at least you understand now" he rubbed her back "talking to him would be great (D/n)"

She wiped her tears and nodded,

A few minutes later

Ushijima was seated on their bed, he was reading a book about parenting, wanting to be at least a decent father.

(D/n) peaked from the door, Ushijima noticed her and slowly turned to her, she waved shyly.

Ushijima's expression showed shock, his expression softened and slowly and happily waved back.

Ushijima only thought of it as a her giving him a little bit of interaction, thinking that was it.

He turned back.

(D/n) frowned, she was very sorry for behaving cruelly to him for years.

She walked to him and sat on the bed, swaying her legs as she looked down "...Dad..." She spoke.

Ushijima immediately turned his attention to her, she sniffled and wiped her falling tears.

"I'm sorry for all i did dad!" She cried.

Ushijima saw her crying and hesitantly went to hug her, she hugged back and cried on his chest.

Ushijima comforted her,

The feeling of finally being able to hold her tight was a dream of Ushijima, his dream just came true, and its because of his lovely husband (M/n).

He appreciates him the most.

This- was- sort- of- rushed-

A New Start [Haikyuu!! x Male! reader] AFTERMATH 1Where stories live. Discover now