Chapter 16(100 Votes!!)

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Amelia stretched as they entered their house, fighting back a yawn. She had barely gotten any sleep until four a.m last night, when the hurricane finally dropped off and allowed her to sleep peacefully. Of course, Steve was up at six, which meant she was too.

Between an early-morning breakfast and the Wailana Coffee House and visiting Danny for a second breakfast she hadn't had the chance to relax. And while she enjoyed learning about Danny's previous marriage and two children, she was ready for some sleep.

Of course, there was something that was still bugging her. She hadn't had the chance to ask Steve why Siham targeted her family.

Steve had flopped on the couch. Junior wasn't heading home for a couple of hours so he could help sort everyone out leaving Iolani Palace. Amelia asked Steve if he needed to stay but he insisted they could handle it.

So, Amelia sat on the recliner and pulled her legs up, unsure how to start.

"What are you thinking?" Steve asked, immediately noticing her expression.

Amelia didn't answer right away. After a long moment, she said, "I still don't know why Siham attacked my family. As far as I know my parents didn't have any ties to the Middle East."

Steve sighed. "I thought that question was coming."

"You know why." It wasn't a question. She could see how tired Steve looked when she asked him about the reason. He knew something she still hadn't figured out.

"I do. Before I answer, tell me how you knew about Siham in the first place."

Amelia chewed her cheek. "After you got called in by Danny, I talked to a friend back home with a friend on the police force." Steve nodded. "Then I did some more snooping. I looked into the dock y'all were checking out. My friend told me when Siham went to Mexico."

"Who is this friend?"

Amelia paused, unsure if she was going to get Kaylee's cousin in to trouble. Then she shrugged. It would be hard for Steve to find out which of her friends had a cousin on the force.


He nodded again absentmindedly. Amelia leaned forward to prop her elbows in her knees and was about to ask her question again when Steve's phone started ringing.

He looked at it and sighed. "It's Duke, I've got to take it."

She shrugged and leaned back, resigning herself to a few more minutes of wondering.

"What've you got, Duke?"

There was muffled talking that Amelia couldn't make out.

"Tell—" Steve was cut off.

"Look, tell Lou to call his wife and—" Again, Steve abruptly stopped talking.

Amelia's knee started bouncing. What was going on?

"Ok, Duke, I'm on my way. We'll get it under control."

Steve hung up and looked apologetically at Amelia. "It's work."

"I figured. Go ahead," she said, shrugging as if it didn't bother her.

Steve still hesitated, recognizing she was unhappy. "I'll be back by lunchtime and I'll answer your questions."

Amelia nodded and watched him leave before heading upstairs to take a nap. She set her alarm for noon and collapsed on her bed.


She woke up around eleven and decided to go ahead and get up. Her mouth was dry, so she drank a glass of water. Then she went into the garage to do some more snooping.

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