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I woke up with a headache, it felt like I got hit by a really hard, ball. I started to look around, the gym looked really familiar, it was identical to the one in Haikyuu. I started to hear a voice, they said something about hitting the new first-year manager. I was confused about who that was until this really beautiful girl asked me if I was ok. I looked at her, "KIYOKO?" Everyone looked at me with a startled face. "Shit."

I said I was sorry and I had a face that said everything was ok. But in the inside EVERYTHING WAS NOT OK. Honestly, I was freaking out. Everyone around me had kneepads on and some shirts that had the words Karasuno High. I knew that name! I looked around the place and realized that I was in Karasuno high's volleyball gym. Hinata was there so was Kageyama and all of the other players. This was a dream come true. I am in the anime Haikyuu.

Everything around me was getting fuzzy, I felt like I was going to faint. I ended up collapsing into Sugawara's arms. Since I knew where I was I just wanted to know what I was doing here. I looked up and saw Suga I asked, "Why does my head hurt so much?"

"Well, we were practicing and Hinita accidentally spiked a ball into your face." I felt my cheeks getting hot, I was getting flustered. I heard Kageyama say " BOKE HINATA BOKE!" I started to say "That's the iconic line!" They looked at me in confusion. I heard another voice say "I know right." It was Tsukki! "Satlyshima?" I said. Everyone started laughing. I blushed in embarrassment.

~Time skip~[Next Day]

Since I was the manager I got to know who we were playing against for a practice match. It was Nekoma High! I going to get to see kenma, kuroo, lev, yaku, and everyone else. I haven't realized that I was jumping up and down. But I couldn't help it, I would love to see kenma. 

It was only an hour until the Nekoma team came and I was excited. Nishinoya and Tanaka noticed I was really excited, they came up to me and said:

"Harley!! watch me receive all of the other teams spikes!!!"

"And I'm going to spike through all of there blockers!!!"

I started laughing, I didn't really care how loud I was. It was too funny to hold back, everyone was looking at me and the 2 second years looked like they were about to cry.

"OMG shes soo cute!!" Both of them said.

I was getting really flustered. Daichi was coming and I heard him say stop bothering Harley! I giggled a bit. That's when I started to notice a bus come it, looked like Nekoma's. I Shouted, "NEKOMA IS HERE!" Everyone was already in their Jerseys. As Expected the Karasuno team looked ready as ever. 

~Time Skip~(After practice match)

After the match, I was thinking about how I got into this mess. I wondered if it had something to do with the library I went to, but then again where were the other people in the library. This was all just a confusing topic, so I decided to see if my phone was anywhere. I found it in the girl's locker room.

I got back to the benches, all of the players were just talking to each other. I didn't want to bother anyone so I just sat there on my phone. Every single app and other important stuff were still there but when I went to check my contacts nothing was there. It all disappeared. 

I checked in my gallery to see if my Haikyuu photos were still there. And oh boy they were, every single picture. There were all pictures of the Haikyuu boys I simped for Plus some other anime boys I will not be talking about. (I really just exposed myself there.)

I noticed that I was blushing, guess what... Suga noticed. He started to come over. Oh shit, shit, shit, shit, shit. At this point, I just wanted to die. I hid my phone under my Karasuno jacket and put on a smile. Suga was here. "What are you looking at? You seem very flustered," Suga asked. I didn't answer. "I know your hiding your phone under our jacket," Suga continued. "You noticed?" I said. He nodded. At least he didn't see what was on my phone.

Whenever text is like this  they are thoughts. And when text is in bold like right now that's me (the author) talking. Just wanted to let you know :)

I laughed nervously, I didn't want him to see the gallery. Matter of fact his fanart was also in my gallery, so that's another reason why I didn't want him to look at my phone.

The conversation was going ok until my phone fell out of my jacket, suga looked down. I didn't know what to do so I stepped on my phone. Oh, how I regretted doing that. Kenma was actually looking this way. I could feel his aura, being shocked cause I stepped on my own phone. The only word I said was: "shit." Damn, I curse a lot don't I, I will try to tone down the cursing.

Suga was shocked to see me stepping on my phone. I proceeded to lift up my leg, I looked down to see my phone cracked. I picked it up and sighed. Then I looked at suga, "Sorry you had to see me do that haha," I gave him a big smile. But on the inside, I was crying. My poor phone :( I needed to get a new one.  

As soon as I knew Kenma came running up to me. He gave me a brand new phone. "Here I have extras just in case Kuroo takes my other one away," "Aww thanks kenma."

But all of the gallery pictures were on the other phone. Kenma could see my facial expression. Ik this seems unrealistic but this whole story is. 

My new phone was just like my old one except it didn't have anything from my old one. I decided to keep my old phone, just in case someone looks through it. 

~Time skip~ (Sorry)

A few days went by and I was still stuck here, I didn't really mind it though like it was a whole new adventure. I decided that I wanted to stay for a while, to get to know some of the players. 

There was a meeting with Coach Ukai, Takeda, Kiyoko, and me. (Yachi isn't in this story) We were talking about having a training camp with all of the other schools. I wasn't really paying attention until Ukai asked "What do you think Harley?" I looked up and smiled "I think it's a great idea."

Ok, so I really hope that this is long enough I might make the other part longer or shorter depending on how I feel. Oh and here's a funny story I had a friend come over and she took my money 🙃

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