Leaving (Backstory pt.2)

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Btw this all happened in the Winter.

I was so happy, I finally got a chance to leave. And to California? I would never imagine my friends being able to afford a house there. 

I only had a day left and my parents didn't know about this. I knew if I left they would call the cops so I started to write a letter, that was the last thing I had to do since I packed already. My parents never come into my room, they don't really care about me. 

While I wrote the letter I felt a tear coming down my face. It wasn't tears of sadness but rather happiness, I would get to leave and live my own dreams. I knew that the first thing I would do once I get into California was to learn how to drive.

I was done writing the letter it had said:

Dear family or should I say strangers,

I'm going to live in California from now on, please don't come after me or call the cops I just want to live a nice life. By the time your reading this I would be on the plane to California, I have asked my friends to give you this letter after an hour after I left. Just saying I still love you guys even though you treat me badly. And to my older brother, if you want to visit me you can since you had a heart you can even come to start a new life with me. You are the only family member I would trust and want to see, you have my number so you can text or call me. ONLY YOU THOUGH, if I see the others I will call the police on you instantly. I don't want to see their faces ever again. That's all I got to say, I hope you would come Kyst, love you.



My brother always had a kind heart but everyone around him corrupted it. 

~Time Skip~ 1 hour until the flight

I called my friend to come to pick me up and drive me to the airport. Once she arrived I held the letter for my family close to my chest, I got in the car and held out the letter near my friend. "What's this for?" she asked, "My last wish from you is to hand this to my family after I leave," I begged, she nodded. 

We arrived at the airport there were a lot of people, there were only a few minutes until my flight. I looked to my right and there they were all of my friends waiting there to say goodbye. I started to smile. 

An hour later I finally heard the signal, "All passengers who are taking flight 99 please start boarding the plane, thank you!"  I waved bye to my friends as I disappeared into the plane.

Ok this is really short too I'm sorry but school really made me busy. I will try to post more often.

The next part would be about her brother a bit still backstory but I kinda ran out of a backstory idea so I'll do what I can. Bye!

Oh, and I reread this and it's kinda bad but I might redo it a bit later in the year.

I'm in Haikyuu??{Discontinued}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz