Getting Ready

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Haha read the comic above. "Not mine, couldn't find the owner's name sorry"

It was time to tell the team about the training camp. I was so excited to tell them. I wonder if it had to deal with their grades again, if it does then Kageyama, Hinata, Noya, and Tanaka were in trouble.

HAHA guess what, after we told the team Takeda-san ruined their spirits by telling them they had to get good grades. 

A while ago I checked my report card, I had good grades. I knew where this was going ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ). Hehe, I get to tutor them :). I walked up to them and said, "I could tutor you guys if you want, I get pretty good grades." They smiled at me and nodded their head "Yes please!!!"

~Time skip~(Day before study session)

I had learned that I lived alone in an apartment. Isn't that illegal, like aren't I only 16?  I decided that I was going to have to tell the boys a lie about where my parents were.

The Next day they came over. "Hello dumb people, welcome to my home," I greeted. "Wow ok way to treat your guests" I heard someone mumble. "Anyways let's go to the living room, "I lead them to the living room, it was kinda like a house in Tokyo. Weird right. 

They were quite astonished to see how big my house was, I told them to feel free to look around while I get the study books and some notes I took. 

I didn't really expect them to actually look around, but I didn't really care there was nothing I wanted to hide. BUT THEN I STARTED TO PANIC. My anime posters were in my room. I ran over there and closed the door. "DON'T GO IN MY ROOM OR I WILL KICK YOU OUT AND DISOWN YOU!" I yelled.

Why did I choose "disown"?

"What are you hiding?" Noya asked. "It's nothing, just something really embarrassing," I answered. They believed it. I was relieved. 

I went to the bathroom, then I heard my room door open. It was the closest to the bathroom so I knew which room it was. "Personal experience."

They somehow got into my room. All those posters, I couldn't let them see. Too late, they were already inside looking at all my posters of them.  I had so many posters and figurines it was so embarrassing for them to see that side of me.

Again I'm exposing myself. 

There were also pictures of some of them and other teams. I fainted. I know, I know not really smart of me to do that, but what else was I supposed to do?

~Time Skip~ "A few minutes later"

I woke up to Noya looking down at me, I was at my couch lying down peacefully. I heard footsteps near the front of my door. As soon as I knew it the doorbell rang.

I went to open it, but Noya pushed me back down and opened it himself. It was all of the Karasuno volleyball team and Kenma and Kuroo. 

I honestly thought they came because of the posters in my room. I started to feel dizzy again. Next thing I knew I fainted, AGAIN. 

~Third person POV~

After Harley fainted a large group of people gathered around the couch looking down at her. "Aww she's so cute," one of them said.

~Time skip~ a Few minutes later. Back to Harley's POV

I woke up and saw a bunch of people at my house. It's such a mess, now I'm going to have to clean up after them. I walked over to Kenma who was playing his game, "Hi Kenma," I put a smile on my face. He waved back but didn't keep his eyes off his game. Typical Kenma

I went back to my room seeing Kuroo, Yams, Tsukki, and Noya. "What did I say earlier?" I looked at them. Noya was surprised to see me awake already.

"I never knew you were into anime," Yams said. "Yeah it's a part of my life," I confidently said. And it is. I went back out and asked if they could help me clean up. Of course, they said yes, cause I don't think they want to see the other side of me when I'm mad.

~Time skip~ Day before training camp.

So I helped the guys study for the mid-terms. Idk what to call it. And they seem to be doing fine. I downloaded some apps to watch some anime during the training camp, I might not have that much time to watch it though. Just in case I do have some free time. 

The next day we found out who passed, I looked at the papers, 48%, 47%,50%,49%. Wow, I can't believe they actually passed, barely though. Just saying I made it so passing is 45% or above.

We were all going to the training camp in Tokyo. 

On the bus I was thinking, thinking about why I chose to live in this anime. It's just fun having real friends once in my life. Back in the real world, I didn't really have the greatest living experience. Could've been worse but I will rather be in this world than the other.  

Hey! So the next chapter is going to be about Harley's past/backstory. This wasn't that long either but I guess it would be like this long every story, but at least there would be a lot of chapters.


Also, the backstory isn't going to be real, unlike the anime stuff I included in the story. I will probably have the next story out by the beginning of September. 


I really hope you like the story so far even though nobody is probably reading it. Bye~


Oh and I just realized that I spelled Tsuki wrong so I'm sorry.😔

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