Chapter Sixteen: Secret Base

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     Unbelievably, the elevator opens up to reveal a state-of-the-art, high-tech base. I can't imagine how on earth something like this was built on the inside of a mountaintop, or how it was accomplished completely unnoticed. This place was futuristic, and I started to feel anxious.

     Chris was waiting for me here. "Spenser is here somewhere. Come." He leads me to a sliding door I didn't notice. "Follow the plan. Create a diversion and go deep. Sow confusion among the Go-Rock Squad. Avoid glowing red sensors. Be careful." 

     "I'll have to admit, I'm surprised to see 'Silent Chris' talking so much."  

     He grins at me. "I talk when needed. I get tongue-tied around Elita, though." I wonder why. He heads towards the elevator, and apparently he's leaving me alone for this. "I have to return to Wintown and plan things with Elita. We're counting on you." He whisks away back outside, and I have to continue further by myself.

     The white washed hallways were filled with computers doing complex calculations. What they were for, I had no idea. Once again, I felt like I was in a video-game. There were red sensors on the floor that lit up in patterns. I had to time it right to get passed them, because I didn't want to trigger the sensors and be caught. Easy enough, right?

     Eventually I found a huge storeroom with large crates, similar to the ones at the Dusk Factory. I run into the first Grunt, and apparently he's the one I've met before. "Hey! It's you again! You remember me, don't you?"

     "I'm sorry, but you all look the same to me." What, they really do.

     "You really don't remember me again?? Gaaah!" He flipped his hands in the air, holding a black device that must be his Styler, and three Pokemon assault me from behind. I guess I have to bust this poor guy's Styler yet again.

     "Gaah! Don't ever forget this!...Please remember me..." Maybe this guy hasn't had the best time? I mean, he joined a group of dorks and allowed them to give him a bowl cut. Come on.

     Further exploration, and I find a long hallway with colorful doors. Not sure what I could possibly find in the rooms beyond, I decide to go ahead and enter the first one. It was pink, so it attracted my attention. Tiffany was inside, with two Camerupts and shelves full of what looked like electronic books. Don't ask me.

     "Not you again?! What do you want of us? If you want my autograph, you should just say it."

     "No, I think I'd rather have a go at you!" She whips out her trusty violin. "I see you fixed your toy." She gets angry and shreds a tune.

     "You caught me by surprise last time, but this time I'm setting the phasers to rock! Camerupt, barbecue time!" She sics the two volcanic Pokemon at me, but I already know this is going to be easy. They walk slow, so I just Loop them together when they're done attacking, and the capture was done in no time.

     "I got beaten again...This is why I can never get better. I'm doomed to be just a cute, refreshing, stylish, beautiful, smart, rich, exquisite, stylish, and boring woman. It's so frustrating an existence!" She rushes past me out the door, and I rush to follow, not bothering to comment on her...elaborate description of herself. I mean she said stylish twice.

     She runs to the next door in the hallway, yelling for her brother Clyde. I'm assuming these are the individual rooms of the Odd Quads. The next door was navy blue, and I march right inside. Tiffany was standing behind Blue Coat Clyde, and the room had more electronic crates that were open and empty. There were some tough Pokemon surrounding the siblings, however.

Pokemon Ranger: SaviorOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora