Chapter Six

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I sat on the couch with Jc, eating our grilled cheese. Things were going better than expected, I was feeling more confident around him, which usually doesn't happen for me. Most of the time I get scared when I'm around new people for too long. Change scares me. Which is why I moved here, to break free of my fears. And I think Jc is the next step. A new person, one more thing I've over come.

"So do you have any favorite shows?" I asked him.
"Um, well I do have kind of an obsession with Dexter." He answered
"Do you want to start it up on Netflix?"
"Yes please!!" He said practically jumping out of his seat.
I tossed him the remote and went to go grab a blanket. It was starting to get dark and Joey still wasn't back yet. I sat back down next to Jc and spread out the blanket over our laps. My hands were shaking. I grabbed the hem of my shirt to steady them. I looked up and saw Jc looking at me.
"Are you still worried?" He asked scooting closer to me and grabbing my hands. The show started but I wasn't paying attention. My mind was in the clouds thinking about how close I was to Jc and far I was from Joey.
I pulled out my phone and called Joey again. No answer my palms were sweating. I wiped them off on the blanket and looked at the clock. It was ten o'clock and then I looked at Jc, who was asleep. He looked so peaceful, and happy. I laid my head on his lap and drifted off thinking of where this might lead.

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