Chapter Twenty-five

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Just fyi, I put the cast in that awko taco picture box👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆(up there. In order) the top left is Maggie beside her Dylan.
Bottom left is Joey and beside him is Jc.


Jc's POV

We sat in Joeys hospital room in stiff green office chairs. I held Maggie's hand, but it felt like she was going to cut of circulation to my fingers, her grip was so tight. She was nervous, today's the first day Joey's going to walk.

The bullet had got him directly through the middle and it went all the way through so it just barely skimmed his stomach. The doctors had told him today if he walked we'd be able to take him home but his progress wasn't as gradual as they had hoped/thought.

The hallway door opened and Joey shuffled in, his face full of concentration and strain.

I looked at Maggie, she was smiling with a single tear running down her face. She gazed at him with admiration, the way I looked at her.

How could someone go through as much as Maggie did and still be as happy a person? She jumped up to greet him but joeys assistant waved her away. Bastard I thought to myself as I stood and put an arm around her. She turned towards me and kissed me on the cheek. she was so giddy. It made my heart swell.

"So when can I get out of here doc?" Joey asked pridefully.

"Next week most likely." the doctor answered factually.

Joey's legs wobbled. his strength wasn't all of the way there, yet.

"As soon as you get out, we are going to Disney Land, my treat!" I yelled triumphantly.


Jc's POV
I sat in the front row of Tycoon. Maggie by my side, Joey on my other.

Is this what happiness feels like? Is this what belonging is like? I caught Maggie staring at me.

"You look stoned as hell. she said as she tousled my hair.

"Why is that?" I asked

"You're just sitting there staring and smiling into to space." She giggled.

I turned away man her smile is amazing.

"What was that?" She asked

"Oh did I say that out loud?" My cheeks flushed. she giggled and pulled me into a kiss.

But then the security warning came over the speakers, and the roller coaster lurched forward.

You're My Favorite HumanDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora