Chapter Twenty-seven

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I woke up before Maggie. It was early, my favorite time of the day. when I could just watch her in her sleep. before the trivial problems of everyday life contorted her face. Sleep relaxed her features, it made her sleep younger. The crease between her eyebrows softened and the dimples that usually stood beside her pursed lips disappeared.

Her face was like the landscape of a fairytale with all its wonders, and secrets. Maggie was my everything, and I intend on marrying her. Starting a family. Growing old together... Maggie is my other half. and her brother is my best friend.

The other friends I had were alcoholic. After I spent that first night with Maggie I had forgotten all about my group. and it had been months! How could I have let that happen.

Oh maybe cause my best friend got shot and my girlfriend got abducted. I thought sarcastically. Just then my phone vibrated. I checked it and speak of the devil it was Vincent.

hey it's Vince, we haven't partied hardcore in forever. btw I saw you on the news!! Anyways we need to kick it tonight with your girl.

I sighed, it was only seven and Vince was probably already hammered.

I texted back to him.

I'll ask her but if she doesn't feel like it we'll have to do it another time, she doesn't need anything else to deal with.

No prob. I was thinking we could go clubbing for a while and then go kick it with Richie, I guess he's having a wicked as Bon fire at the beach to night!

I sent him

Hey, but the thing is, I don't think she has ever gone out, just to drink. How crazy is Richie's going to be?

nothing compares to what you and I used to do. if it goes awry we will leave.

I sent back

Thanks Vince. I owe you. I'll text you tonight.

Cool beans

I sighed, and turned off my phone. I had actually missed the party's with Vince and Richie. they were like family to me and I felt bad for ignoring them the past months. But tonight, I could feel, was gonna be great.


Maggie sat down at the kitchen table with sleep in her eyes still waiting to be removed.

"So..." I said awkwardly as I set a plate of eggs in front of her.

"My friends and I wanted to take you partying tonight. And I think you would have a blast." I uttered enthusiastically.

"But Jc, I've never gone "partying" before. I was too scared with Dy--" She trailed off.

She looked hurt. It pained me to see her this way. I looked at her face. The creases and dimples had returned.

"I think this would be a good chance for you to open yourself up again, this could be a new start, now that, that bastard is dead." I felt a deep anger and relief rush through me as I delivered her my true feelings.

She smiled slightly and for a minute it looked like she was sleeping again. No traces of anger or stress. I liked her better when she was happy. When I could actually see the joy instead of just a hint of amusement flash through her eyes. I hoped that one day I could erase the look of sadness from her permanently. She was my baby, and I was going to do everything I could to help her heal. And going out and having fun without worry was the first step.

"Okay, you're right, lets go drink like there's no tomorrow!" She yelled and jumped from her seat, beelined for the shower and started to take off her shirt before she entered the bathroom.

I whistled at her, she turned around and flashed me before closing the door behind her. Man, she was perfect, and now I get to show her off to the world as well. I wanted everyone to know how perfect my baby is.


"Maggie, I need to pee!" I banged on the bathroom door.

"Just hold on I'm almost done getting ready, I promise." she yelled back at me.

She opened the door and stepped out.

She wore a black dress with no sleeves and black heels. Her blonde hair was messily hanging over her shoulders. It didn't matter what she ever did to her hair it always fell out or frizzed up. her hair reminded me of her personality, persistent and always a wildcard.

"Do I need to change? I don't know about this dress. You know what I'm just gonna go out on a differ---" she stuttered self consciously at me. But I cut her off before she could finish.

"Don't change a single thing." I nuzzles her neck and she jumped.

"How long until we leave?"I asked kissing her neck.

"Long enough" she whispered as she leaned against the wall and let me continue in her neck.

I kissed behind her ear and heard her gasp. I chuckled, I loved how she was so innocent yet... bad. She gripped the back of my neck as I went for her collar bone. I worked my way down to her theighs and began upward. She moaned as I kissed right over her panties. she yanked her dress up as I worked down her lace thong, slowly. Teasing her. I grabbed her hips as I slipped two fingers into her and began rubbing. She moaned again so I hit that spot once more but this time pumping my hand faster. She arched her back and screamed. "Jc!" Through a scream.
I sat back and looked at her. she slid down the wall and sat against it.

"So are you ready to party now that you're... "all loosened up" and ready to go?"

She giggled and fixed her dress, clearly less tense.

"Let's do it." She said ominously.

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