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With darkness surrounding me as I laid in bed, I bolted upright as words were spoken from an unseen source, and I quickly grabbed a notepad. Frantically, I wrote down the words as they were transcribed. That same night, when no more words came and with my mind fatigued, I completed the first rough draft of the poem you read in this book.

January twentieth, the day after Poe's birthday, I completed a near final version of it. The writing took only a few days and during that time, I was obsessed with its contents and the disturbed character.

I realized that it was a magical formula to raise Edgar Allan Poe's spirit from the Nevermore to the Evermore.

Shortly after, the voice called out to me. "Change one letter in the poem," it said, "to keep the poem's magical formula a guarded secret." The spirit that delivered the poem, which I believed to be the deceased poet himself, didn't want just anyone to call upon him.

In fact, he only wants those worthy of his power and skill to do so in a specific manner.

Many weeks after the poem was written and finalized - and after I changed one letter in the poem to alter the formula - I received further instruction. The spirit told me that the poem - the true unaltered version - must be read aloud on the anniversary of his death, at the spot where his mortal body was buried.

He said to successfully call upon his spirit and raise him from the dead one must complete three tasks:

1. Change one letter in The Raven Redux poem, thus changing its meaning2. Visit the writer's grave at Westminster Hall and Burying Ground in Baltimore3. Read the magical formula as you stand next to Poe's grave

With only one opportunity each year to call upon Poe's spirit, timing is important. The spirit insisted those three tasks be completed after dusk on October seventh.

Reciting the poem any other day of the year is a tribute to the great American writer, but don't be discouraged if the spirit does not commune. But, how will you know he speaks to you?

When the night is most silent, sometime after the ritual is completed, you may hear a quiet, almost inaudible voice whispering behind your left ear. The sound, small and distinct at first, will grow louder and louder until a presence is felt hovering from behind. It will feel warm or hot, perhaps with a tingle on the skin, or a shiver up the spine. Then - and only then - you will know the spirit of Poe has made contact. Contact beyond the grave.

And you will hear one word, "Nevermore."

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