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Everything was still a shock to him. He still had not told anyone what exactly happened back then in the inn the night of the fire. The Saintess left him with his family, it had been her plan all along and yet he had no idea. He just thought he would avenge what happened to him and then he would go back with her but that wasn't the case. The Empress was deposed to the cold palace and since she was the crown prince's mother the Emperor was lenient with her and didn't punish the crown prince.

The Prime Minister was sent to exile and all of his wealth was taken by the government. Many officials were removed from their posts and new blood was brought in. His mother was promoted to become the Imperial Noble Consort and she was now the head of the harem. His mother was now very powerful for a woman who didn't have a lot of officials to rely on when she came.

Ever since he came into the palace he tried getting to know his mother, father and siblings better but he just could connect with them at all. They all felt like strangers especially his mother. Something felt wrong about her but he just didn't know what. Maybe he spent a lot of time with Valery and he missed her like crazy but he was going crazy being here.

He had his title returned to him and he was granted the title of the grand prince and he was given a manor of his own. He didn't want to rule so he didn't attend the court officials.

'Your highness, you are wanted at the palace,' his personal attendant said.

What would his father want with him now? He had been asking him weird questions concerning the Saintess and he avoided answering them most of the time and when he answered them, he lied a lot. He wasn't going to let anyone use him to get to her. He was going to protect her with his own life, if needed be.

He left his manor in a carriage and headed for the palace. When he arrived, his father and mother were both waiting for him. He greeted them both before he took a seat.

'I'm glad that you came,' his mother said.

'What was so urgent?' he asked them.

'Your father and I have found a perfect match for you,' his mother said.

'What do you mean by that?' he asked her.

'The youngest daughter of the Minister of Finance is a nice girl and we know that you will like her too. We want you to marry her,' his father said and he laughed.

'What's funny?' his mother asked.

'I thought after all these years you would have changed but you are still the same. Have you ever considered my feelings?' he asked, seeing how selfish those two were still are.

'Mika!' his mother yelled at him.

'I have been quiet for so long and it seems none of you cares. You believed an impostor and thought that I was dead. You lived your life as if nothing happened and now you want me to pretend as if everything is okay. Nothing is okay. If you have cared for me even once, you would have asked me. After living my life this way you want to trap me in a marriage with some girl I don't even know and one I will never love. How could you be so heartless?' he asked fuming with s much anger, he didn't care that he was raising his voice to the most powerful people in the empire.

'Love can grow with time son. Give her a chance,' his mother said, pleading with him but he wasn't going to fall for that.

'Not for me mother. I have someone in my heart. I will love her and her alone. I would rather be dead than for me to be another pawn in your political agenda,' he said and left the hall.

'Mika!' his mother called him and he stopped.

'I'm no longer Mika mother, I am Xavier and I won't be staying in the capital anymore. It's good that you know that I am alive but I will go back to the Lotus palace. That is my home now. This place that is full of schemes and tricks is a place that I wouldn't want to be. You can live here and protect the nation from harm; I will live a carefree life I have always wanted to live ever since I was young. The life of being afraid all the time is not a life I want,' he told her.

THE LEGEND OF THE GOLDEN LOTUS (COMPLETE) WATTY2020Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora