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She was a bit stressed ever since they received a letter from Mika that he wanted to propose to the Saintess. She was practically raised by her and yet she knew how cruel she was. Letting her son love that woman was the hardest thing she could do. She didn't know what to do or say. If she rejects her son's choice, she was afraid he would hate her forever. If she agrees to the choice then it will be known that the grand prince married the formidable woman and her name will be in shatters. She had suffered a lot just to be where she was. She sacrificed a lot and used her own children to trap the empress and now that she was the one heading the harem she was afraid that it will come back to her.

She didn't want to go against the Saintess too. She had heard about the news of the two and how loving they were towards each other. If she tries to do anything silly then a war might break out. The Saintess was someone who didn't hesitate to go to any war. How did she survived that fire, she too had no idea. They said not to bite the hand that feeds you but sometimes she just wished that the Saintess would just disappear. It is also one of the reasons why she put some of her people among the empress's when the fire was set. She would lose her son but at the same time she would get rid of the Saintess; that was the price she was willing to pay. The Saintess never really asked for anything from her but still it didn't feel good to just know that it was her who made her enter the palace. She left a huge mark on her and it was hard to rub. She had people investigate the fire and yet there were no clues to how they survived the fire. That proved that the Saintess was even more powerful than she thought and she was simply hiding it. If she crosses her now while her son was with her then she will be in trouble.

All these years she suspected that her son was alive even though she had no idea where he was but knowing that he was with the woman who took her to the palace didn't make her feel any good. It was as if she was making a statement without saying anything and that scared her. The Saintess managed to steal her first son from her and now she won't be able to get him back.

'Your highness, the Emperor is asking for you,' her chief maid said.

'I will be there, shortly. Prepare the palanquin,' she said.

She went to the Dragon palace to see her husband. He must be having an answer to the letter that Mika had written.

She greeted her husband before taking a seat.

'It's good that you are. I have made a decision,' he told her.

'What is your decision?' she asked him.

'The time we are at is so crucial, so we can't afford any mistake. We know that the Saintess is a great opponent and we can't have her as an enemy. It's better to have her close as a friend and keep her closer. If we make our son marry her as he wants then we might have a chance to keep a closer eye on her,' the Emperor said. It made sense now that she was hearing it but she knew her mistress well.

'I understand where you are going my love but I know her. She is not someone you can keep an eye on but for the sake of making up to our son, I will agree. Let him pursue his own happiness. He deserves that at least,' she said.

'I knew that you will agree in the end. Let's just put his happiness first and we will deal with whatever comes in the future,' her husband said and she smiled.

It seemed like she will never be able to wash off her past like she wanted. With her son marrying the woman she wanted to get rid of, it was difficult but one way or the other she was going to try to eliminate her before she took her son from her.

He wasn't really a fool to not know what was going on in his favorite's consort mind. He didn't just love her because she was beautiful but she had so many tricks up her sleeve that indirectly she helped him to remove all the people that bothered him. All he had to do was just love her continuously and she did all the work herself.

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