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The beginning is darkness.
You were there, but no witness,
And there comes light,
Illuminating all it touches


You feel safe and sound
'Cause you see everything now
The surroundings, the people and the crowd
All of them too,
...sees you now


Awakened by the ray, you feel the beat
Apparently you move your hand and feet
A breeze of wind touches you and whisper
"I have something to tell you, 'till forever"


"You have a freewill, a gift to remember,
Liberty you have it, do what seems better,
But there's a thin line which makes us together,
In your life, I, not you,
will be your 'center'''


As you've been told, you enjoy freedom
Did what excites you, even in boredom,
But as you promised you keep that line alive
"At the end of the day, it's the light who drive"


Years passed and you grew a lot,
Your surroundings too have nowhere to cut,
Nobody wants to stop and hark,
About the Moment Of Nothing of you but Dark.


But you have not forgotten everything,
Everything about Darkness living,
The total independence that no one can ever steal,
Because the act itself will never be revealed.


Little did you know that light is observing
About how you move in place as a being
And how your thoughts flow for that something
"You're not acting the way I'm wanting"


Suddenly, light confronted you in shame,
"Why are you being so lame?"
You answered, "My life's seems to be out of zest"
It said, "Fix this alone, you brought yourself this mess!"


"It is you who take actions,
It is you who take decisions,
It is you who choose formations,
I just give you my instructions"


Your head becomes heavy,
Your tears flow very gently,
Later on you realized simply,
You're alone all this time,
And that is crazy.


Deep sadness filled your heart,
Your mind was crushed in little part,
And suddenly Darkness speaks this up,
"I am here from the very start"


"All this time since light ever came,
You feel secure 'cause he's going stay
Little did you know that in troubled frame,
It is I who's been there every step of way"


"Light materializes everything with height,
And then created a wall that is bright
You delighted cause it seems right,
But it separated you to the world beyond sight"


"At the end of the day
when Light is to drive,
I saw the emotions you were trying to hide
The deep thoughts that you keep from light,
It is I who's with you to give you thrive."


"You can't see me though 'cause you're facing up,
You left me alone at your very back,
But it is when you encountered the life's fire,
That enabled me to feel your cry."


"I witnessed your agony
And somehow I believe,
We are the same, you and me
'Cause in that projector wall I see,
Is the SILHOUETTE of you within me."


After hearing all of these,
You tear up the wall that light created
that's when you see Darkness
not in bliss
Mimicking all your actions instead.


Full of anger, you face light again
The thin line you protected, suddenly you bend
"I am blinded with your light!", you shouted
Suddenly its rays becomes faded.


You found yourself in Darkness
once again
Tears shed free like a rain
All what's left in you is your pain
Filling every bits of you...
...in darkness.


...The beginning is darkness
...You were there...
...and there comes light...


Blue Riddle

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