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More than sometimes I wonder why,
Happiness can't be a "one-straight-line"
No exact road to try,
Even a vast of treasure can't buy.


Happiness is very subjective,
That's why it's hard to believe,
Depending on someone's perspective
Hidden desire and motive.


Apparently, no matter how hard it seems
To be in its total rims
Somehow, having just a gasp on it
Really makes us stay on our feet.


The more we touch that gasp, the more we discover its gap,
The more we wanting it bad, we fight for more grab.
When we collect some part, we can't see it as enough
That's the awful part, then we lose a heart.


That "wanting" attitude of us,
Puts everything in bust,
We lose control of lust
We can't see what's crushed.


Good and bad, they're always battling,
In someone's mind, idea's sailing.
What are you willing to put at stake,
For YOUR happiness and your own sake?


Our perspective in life becomes cloudy
Relationship turns out to be "narrowie"
Because in life you have to be a declared "winner"
As if happiness' off for those a "loser"


Every battle that you became a victor
You give someone deep sadness and sorrow.
How can you say your happiness is true
If behind it is agony, lament of few?


Blinded by idea of "happiness living"
We tend to find ourselves pretending
We wear mask and go outside—smiling
'Cause we don't want to mark a loser—that's dying.


Someday, you look yourself successfully happy
You became what you want to be.
But soon you discover yourself in misery
Because the truth will slap you—you are empty.


The concept of happiness is really tricky,
Is it a mind's state, emotion or outward "selfie"?
Is it unorthodox to question, or just I becoming silly,
I guess forever it becomes a mystery.

Blue Riddle

HeartStruckOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora