☂ Autumn

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          Michael felt his way through his dark room. He rubbed his eyes, before he felt his feet, walk over Calum's grey jumper, he was borrowing it for a while.

As he wrapped himself in it, someone knocked on his door. He braced himself, for another lecture, about stealing Calum's clothes. But when it opened, it was only Luke.

"Hey, Mikey?" Luke whispered, and then he jumped, when he saw Michael, watching him. 
"Am I too loud?" Michael asked, softly and Luke shook his head.

"No, uh, I was just wondering." Luke blushed and looked out. "If...I could stay with you for the night?"

Michael looked over at his messy bed and then back at Luke, not saying a word.

"I mean... It's just...-"
"Yeah, of course." Michael shrugged, and Luke grinned, walking up to the bed.

"Nice jumper, by the way." Michael smiled, and brought the jumper to his nose. It smelt like Calum. Michael went back to bed, and Luke cuddled into his side.

"What are you doing tomorrow, because Management wants to hold another band meeting, I can tell them-"
"I'll be there," Michael interrupted, and Luke sighed in relief. "I just might be late." 

"That's alright," Luke mumbled, in reply, before he suggled into the bed and fell asleep. 

☂ ☂ ☂

That morning, before Luke woke up, Michael snuck out. He was met with Ashton, in the kitchen.

"Hey," Ashton greeted, waving his piece of toast in the air. "Did you want breakfast?"

"Nah, I'll be okay, I'm just going to visit Cal," Michael replied.
"Oh." Ashton dropped his hand, and took a bite of his toast.
"I'll see you at the meeting?" Michael asked and Ashton agreed, then Michael was out the door.

Before Michael got to their meeting place, he picked up two hot caramel lattes, from Coffee Bean. Calum's favourite.

He checked his watch, just to make sure he wasn't late, then he continued to walk to meet with his boyfriend.

When he arrived, he found Calum easily.

"Hey babe," he breathed out. "So, because it's getting cold lately, I've brought you, your favourite hot caramel latte."

Michael sipped his, and gave Calum his. 

"I know it's your favourite." Michael smiled at the ground, "I love you, so much." 

After Michael finished his drink, he had to rush off to the band meeting, leaving Calum to himself. 

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