☀ Summer

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          Michael wandered the party, with little interest. Luke followed him around, begging him to play one of those party games, with him. But Michael told him, he'd rather not.

Luke, after an hour, of trying, got dragged off by Ashton, and Michael was left alone. Except, not really because here he was, at a party, with his friends.

But it didn't feel like a real party, without Calum. Except, Calum couldn't make it, to this party.

At that thought, Michael made his way to the bar and sat down. The bar tender, gave Michael a small smile and started, pouring a drink for him.

"Can you put this on a tab," Michael said, "I won't be done for a long time."

So Michael spent nearly the whole night, at the bar. But when the massive clock showed, 11:00. Michael got up. He paid the bar man and raced out, with his last beer in his hand. Before he left, though, he stole some tinsel for decoration and a star. 

He was meeting up with Calum, at their meeting place, for New Years. When Michael arrived, he staggered through the place and found Calum, right near the fence.

"Cal, Hey!" Michael shouted out, "Sorry, I'm a little drunk, and late, god, look at the time." Michael threw a beer lid on the ground, "Since you collect those, take it." Then Michael, added more excitedly. "I was invited to an end of year party, and it was so fun, to bad you couldn't come." He wrapped the tinsel around Calum, but threw the star in the ground, with the lid. 

Then, Michael stopped talking and dropped the beer, in his hand. It broke open, spilling over his shoes, but Michael didn't notice it.

There was a silence for a good three seconds, before Michael broke down.

"Cal...Cal...Cal!" He cried. "I was lying, the party was so boring without you! I can't take another year without you, I barely made it through this one!"

Michael fell forward, onto his hands and knees, sobbing into his arms, in front of Calum's grave.

"Take me with you!" Michael sobbed out, "Or come back!"

Michael hit his fist on the ground.

"Dammit, Cal!" He yelled, between sobs. "I miss you, so much!"

Michael touched the tomb, and traced the dates, on the bottom. "Come back, baby, everyone misses you." 

"I'm so sorry..." Michael pressed his hands on the tombstone, tears trailed down his face. "I should have protected you better."

Another silence ran through the night and Michael cuddled against the tombstone. He closed his eyes tightly, thinking of Calum, wrapping his arms, around him, instead of the cold tombstone.

He woke with the vibrating of his phone in his pocket. He looked at it before, turning it off and turning to the tombstone.

"Oh, Happy New Years." Michael mumbled, tiredly. He kissed the tombstone, and started to laugh. "You'll always be my New Years kiss, Cal, I promise."

Michael closed his eyes again, and when he woke, in  the morning, he felt Calum's presence near him, and that was enough to push him through another year. 

+ + + 

THE END :((( 

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