✿ Spring

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Michael walked through the food store, picking things, that Ashton wrote on a shopping list.

But at the end, in bold letters, Ashton wrote:


Michael grinned, when he saw vegemite on sale, and grabbed two jars of the topping. One for, Luke, Ashton and him and the other, for his boyfriend, Calum.

✿ ✿ ✿

When Michael was going to the meeting place, that afternoon, he was holding the Vegemite, in his arms tightly. 

"Oh hey, Mike!" Before he reached the meeting place, he was met with Luke, who was holding a little girl's hand. 
"Hey, I'm babysitting my little niece, her name is Sara." He gestured to Michael and looked at the little girl, "That's Michael, he's my best friend." 

Sara giggled, and waved. 

Michael smiled at them before looking down at his Vegemite. 

"I have to go meet Cal." Luke furrowed his eyebrows, but nodded. "So, I got to go, see you two later?" 

Sara giggled and Luke lifted her up, "Yeah, later, Clifford." 

Michael continued to go meet Calum and when he reached their meeting place, his breath was caught, when he saw Calum. It seemed to do that a lot latey. 

"Hey, you would never guess what was on sale." Michael grinned. "Vegemite, I brought it for you."

Michael grinned at Calum, "and dude, Ashton is totally obsessed with, this girl, Katy, it's kind of weird." Michael chuckled and shook his head. "Every time I tell him, that he's getting a bit obbsesive, he talks about how I was obbsessed with you and that we seemed to work out." Michael shrugged, and blushed. 

"But, I'll get him to tell you all about it later, I really got to go, catch up with Luke and his niece."

Then Michael gave Calum the Vegemite and left, giving Calum, a smile. 

Before he was out of earshot, he looked back and yelled, "I love you, loser." Before turning the corner and walking back, to find Luke again. 

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