You Can't Beat Death

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Summary and Cred: A guy has fallen in love with death, and will do anything to get him to spend some time with him. By anything, I mean anything. Even murder.
Markus exhaled happily as he quickly took the knife out of the rapidly cooling body slumped in the alley in front of him and took a small step back, looking around hopefully, though his face fell when nothing appeared for a few moments.

He first discovered that he could see reapers when one sat next to his grandfather on his deathbed and took his soul somewhere when Markus was 12. His grandfather went quietly, almost meekly, a large change from the abusive old man who his father tried his best to keep Markus and his brother, Sam, from.

His grandfather dying filled Markus with a sort of curiosity and seeing the reaper made him have a sort of morbid fascination with the darker and paranormal side of Reality. He started to research the topic of reapers, Death, souls, Hell, and Heaven, and he now considers himself to be a sort of expert on the subject, especially in the mythologies.

But, he soon found out that the reaper he saw was only a lesser being, a soldier sent out to do the bidding of a boss. A boss that he meets years later.

He met Death in a coffee shop of all places. The shop was his favourite place to sit and study for his medical exams back in his college days, and it's remained a frequent place to stop at when he needs a place to think. He walked into the dimly lit, smoky place, expecting to grab a cup of joe and then leave for work right away, but after he placed his order, something stopped him dead in his tracks.

A pale man walked into the shop, hands stuffed into the pockets of his snow-white jeans, and a small, slightly smug smile on his face. His hair was a deeper black than Markus has ever seen before, and a light stubble dotted his face. A pastel yellow sweater partially covered a light blue shirt, and a shimmering rainbow sword strapped to his back.

He was the only one who could see the sword apparently, as no patrons screamed or ran out of the shop in a blind panic. Markus realised that he was staring when the man quirked his eyebrow at him, and he hastily turned away, face burning slightly in a blush.

Thoughts fired, conclusions were come to, and Markus figures out that the man he saw at the shop was none other than Death himself.

In any other case, Markus would run away screaming, but this guy was the perfect mixture of cute and hot that made Markus want to stay and talk to him. Plus, the very image of Death that's in front of him was very different than the one in his head and his curiosity is getting the better of him.

So, he decided to become a social butterfly for once in his life and say hi to him. After a short conversation, Markus learned that his name was Azrail, and he was in New York City to try the cheesecake and sightsee. He can't really start out with telling him that he can see the gigantic sword strapped to his back, and how different he seems from the other patrons in the shop.

But, soon his coffee was done, and he would be late for his shift if he didn't get a move on. He had three surgeries scheduled, and he can't be late for them, even though he might never see Azrail again.

Though, he has his second encounter with the man(?) sooner than he expected, but not where he wanted. Apparently the little girl he was operating on was too far gone to be saved from the car crash, and Death Azrail himself had come to collect her. Markus was left staring at Azrail as he took the hand of someone invisible to him and leave, not without giving him an odd look.

Now, his curiosity has turned into an obsession, and things have happened. Now Markus is a serial killer.

A serial killer in the name of love, but he doubts that will go over well with the police if they ever catch him. But, that's assuming he gets caught.

Markus sighs in disappointment and bends down to dip the knife in the blood pooling around his latest victim to finish the word he's writing on the wall when there's a whoosh and a slight rustle of clothing from behind him, and he whips around excitedly just to become almost nose to nose with Azrail.

"H-hi-" Markus stammers out, taking a step back out of reflex and almost tripping on the body behind him. "Fancy seeing you h-"

"Markus, you absolute idiot." Azrail hisses, poking him in the chest with the hand not gripping his sword. "Do you realise how much more work you're making me do?" He gestures to the bloody scene behind Markus. "He wasn't due to die for at least 40 more years! With all the murders you're committing in this stupid town, you're making my workload more than it needs to be, and since you are chasing me around like some lost puppy, I can't get away from you! So, if you're really that infatuated with me, let's go get that freaking coffee together, Jesus!"

Markus takes a second to recover from the rant Azrail all but yelled, but when the last part registers, a slow, but wide grin spread across his face, and he glances up at him shyly. "Really?"

Azrail sighs heavily and takes a step back, running a hand through his thick hair and sheathing his sword. "Yes, but on one condition. No more murders."

Markus laughs happily and nods, putting the bloodied knife in the pocket of his black hoodie. "No more murders."

After Markus dumped the body in a dumpster along with his clothes and the knife, the pair went to the coffee shop where they first met, and they grabbed some coffee, sparking a real relationship between them.

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