It's Dusty Down Here

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Summary and Cred: I'm in charge of assigning monsters under the bed to every kid. One particular child has caused every monster assigned to them to quit. So, I've decided to assign myself. Should be a piece of cake.
"It's okay, Razormorph, you can take the rest of the day off." I pat the giant ball of fluff as they lumber out the door, tears matting their dark purple fur as they drip from his eyes.

They give a low whine/growl thing in response, and I ease the door shut behind them and sigh heavily, dragging a weary hand down my face.

That was the fourth monster assigned to this kid in three months. All of them quit after a few weeks on the job, either crying or not talking. I even heard one was in therapy now.

So, as the saying goes, if you want something done right, you'll have to do it yourself. Granted, villains usually say that, but I like the sound of the quote. Sighing, I shuffle back to my desk and get a quill from a special gold box on the desk and write my name in the little black book resting next to it.

I wrote my name, right next to the name of a girl, Bonnie Cameron. After signing it off with a little flourish, I head over to the dingey grey filing cabinet stuffed almost to bursting with files in the corner. Squeaking it open, I pull out a large file and carry it over to the oak desk, and begin a long night of reading.

When it's finally night in the human's realm, I stand from my chair, scales clicking together as I stretch my arms. It felt nice, almost as nice as taking a dip into the ocean. I miss the calm of the gentle currents deep down below the human's reach, swirling in the comfort of the hidden depths.

Shaking my head, I dispel those fond memories and focus on the task at hand. Grabbing my pitch black trench coat from the coat rack next to the door, I slip it on and dip my hand into the pocket and pull out the keys to my office, stepping out and locking it.

"Hey, Doc!"

"Sup, Doctor."

"What's cookin' good lookin'?"

That last greeting threw me by surprise, and I whip my head around to see an unwelcome monster.

His name is Narzplan, and he's the most unpleasant and scariest monster I've ever encountered.

He's a surprisingly scrawny thing, but his skin is almost completely transparent, a golden tint to it's filmy look. It exposes the bright blue blood flowing through his veins, and I shudder at his smile. His mouth is full of razor sharp teeth, black as midnight and poised to rip through flesh with ease. His moods are like that of a human teenager hopped up on hormones.

The thing that unnerved me most about him was his eyes. They were an unnatural dark grey, completely void of any emotion. He was like the great white sharks of the ocean. Their dead eyes always made me stay away from them.

"Not interested, Narzplan." I sigh, turning away from him and continuing my trek towards the Gate Room.

"C'mon, sugar, indulge a little," He grabs my arm, halting me in my tracks, and making my scales click together dangerously. "You're all work and no play. Have some fun with me, huh?"

I take a deep, shuddering breath and slowly turn towards him, rage pumping through my veins. "I've told you time and time again," I hiss, watching in satisfaction as he draws back as I rise to my full height. "I'm. Not. Interested."

A spark of fear ignites in his eyes, and my mouth splits into a grin, showing off my own teeth, long, jagged spikes that could tear off your head if you came too close. "Now, if you don't get out of my sight in the next five seconds, I will have fun with you by tearing the flesh from your bones and have you as a late night snack."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2020 ⏰

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