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Summary and Cred: A vampire and a fairy are at odds with each other, and in a big power move, the fairy invites the vampire over for tea. The rules state that vampires have power over anyone who invite them into their homes, and the fae have power over anybody who violates the laws of hospitality. This will be fun-
"Zahiran, what the hell are you doing?" The short, African-American woman hisses at her reflection in the window of her car.

The house in front of her isn't big or looming, and there's nothing to indicate that she's about to walk into the home of a fae. Good for him, she supposes.

Fergus, the idiot of a faerie, had invited her over for a cup of tea a few days ago, and set the rendezvous for today.

Now, she's here, and she is a little bit pissed. Though, her curiosity always was strong back when she was a mere human, and it's still strong as ever now.

Poofing her frazzled looking curls, and smoothing down her artfully ripped dark grey AC/DC shirt, she puts on her unimpressed face and strolls up to the door and raps on the sturdy wooden door.

It opens almost immediately, and a man just a little taller than her answers the door, dressed in a black leather jacket, black jeans, and, you guessed it, a plain black t-shirt. A grey beanie rested on top of his tousled hair, and some of that hair fell over his startling blue eyes. "Ah, Zai. So good of you to come."

Zahiran stews silently at the nickname, though she secretly likes the way it sounds. It's better than her people struggling to say her name. Though, her grandparents named her when she was human, and she never wanted to change it when she turned.

"Aren't you going to invite me in?" She decides to skip the pleasantries while she's outside the house, and let her contempt for this arrogant stick of a faerie known. "It's rude to keep a guest waiting outside."

Fergus' eyes widen, and a small smirk steals across his face. "Of course. Come right in."

Rolling her eyes while she still has the chance, Zahiran steps over the threshold and into the house, and shivers as the magick running in tandem with her blood stirs. She clamps down on it before her fangs can pop out, and takes a deep, steadying breath.

The house wasn't as extravagant as she expected from the king of the Fae, but there were plenty of potted plants stashed in strange places, such as in top of the ceiling fan or stuffed in between the books on the bookshelf, and as she followed Fergus down the hall, she noticed some vines producing beautiful orange flowers on the walls.

She leaned towards one to get a better look, but recoiled once she sensed the dark magick radiating from the plant.

Probably something to ward off humans or unwanted guests. She guesses, feeling reluctantly impressed. She might try something like that when her nest is sleeping to keep them safe. Smart idea, she has to admit.

"Welcome to my humble abode," Fergus spins to face her once they reached a small sitting room. "I hope you'll enjoy your stay here as we discuss some...sensitive topics pertaining to our two groups."

Zahiran looks around, and noticed even more plants, but they have a light dusting of what looks like gold glitter on them, which reflects off the ridiculously bright sun glaring in from the floor to ceiling windows.

She groans inwardly and sighs silently. Faeries.

"Sounds wonderful," She says taking the comfortable looking armchair facing away from the windows. "I look forward to the chat. We can negotiate some things, I hope?"

Fergus grins widely and takes the chair opposite her and makes a swirling motion with his hand. "Of course," He says to her. "That's one of the purposes of this visit after all."

A floating silver platter with a teapot and two mugs made of a iridescent purple glide over to where the two monarchs sit. Fergus snaps his fingers and a low oak table carved with vines and leaves pop into existence in front of them, and the platter sets itself down gently.

Even Zahiran has to admit that's cool. The Fae were masters of magick, some of the most powerful in the Realms, and she could see that being displayed here. Her own magick only affected herself and small things physically, whereas they can do all sorts of things.

She forgets what they are, she didn't exactly pay attention in Faerie 101.

"Okay, Fergus, this isn't working for me." Zahiran sighs and slumps a little in her seat, looking up at him with a slightly bored expression. "I know that you could smite me if I'm a poor houseguest and don't have great hospitality, but I'm sure that in modern days, hospitality has changed. So, I'm going to drop the flowery language and whatever, and speak as myself. Capiche?"

The faerie king laughs, a deep and strange rumbling sound that seemed to shake the room they were in. "Good, good. I was wondering when you'd crack. Usually I would punish whoever does, but I'll make an exception for you."

Zahiran smirked, feeling the sharp edge of her teeth pop out of their retractable places before she reigned in the magick and bloodlust in again. "Thanks, I'll remember that."

Fergus inclines his head and flicks his fingers at the mugs, and they fill themselves with tea. "You take green tea with one sugar, yes?"

Zahiran nods and takes her mug, not surprised that he knew her preferences in the realm of tea. They both had spies on each other, so she knew a few things as well. "Strange preference, but I like it. You don't know how many weird looks I get at Starbucks when I ask for a brew."

Fergus takes his own mug, filled with hot chocolate and exactly two and a half marshmallows and takes a sip of the warm liquid. "You brought the contract, yes?"

Zahiran hums a confirmation and reaches into the pocket of her jeans, pulling out a piece of paper and slides it over to him. "Here. We talked about the terms earlier, now we just need to review them."

Fergus leans forward, exposing his stupid Irish neck to her and examines the contract, humming a song under his breath.

She inhaled deeply and looks away, trying to keep herself under control. This is him trying to provoke her into attacking him, so she can't have herself losing control.

This was the beginning of the end of the war between the two races, and if they both sign this contract and leave without spilling any blood, or using violence against the other, then it would be peace for the next century and a half for the Fae and vampires.

But, pride is in their blood, and that won't let them rest for long. When she was turned, Zahiran heard myths and rumours about how drinking Fae blood could make a vampire get some of the power, and she's curious to see if that is true. But, if need be, she can wait another couple hundred decades to find out. Her people are more important.

She also knew that Fergus wanted to off her as well. If he could do that, then he could easily wipe the rest of the vampires off the face of the Earth, or lead them all himself.

She wont allow that to happen, of course.

A sudden inhalation of breath from the Fae King almost startled her into dropping her mug, and she looks at him, slightly confused, as he stands abruptly.

"I'm starved. Would you like some garlic bread?"

Zahiran's expression changes from confused to incredulous, then excited. "Sure, I haven't had that in ages."

Fergus looks slightly surprised, but he quickly schools his features back into one of neutrality. "Good, some should be coming out in a few minutes. Should we get back to our discussion?"

Crossing her legs, Zahiran nods and watches Fergus sit. His ice blue eyes meet her brown ones, and a spark of competition comes to life between them.

They know what the other is doing, and neither of them are going to back down.
A/N: This was suggested by the lovely hufflepuff over on Quotev :D

I hope it's to your liking, and you guys can submit prompts and things. Thanks for reading!

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