Chapter 19 - Love

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The rest of the week continued like a dream, both Hermione and Draco could feel the warm swelling of their hearts whenever the other was near and it was getting hard to ignore. They had had dinner with Draco's mother on the Sunday and afterwards it had seemed like the war had never happened and when Monday rolled around neither Hermione nor Draco wanted their schedule to resume. 

"Good Morning" Hermione yawned as she snuggled into Draco's form. 

"Good morning my love." Draco mumbled kissing her forehead and returning to his book.

"Wait, what did you just call me?" Hermione asked sitting up as straight as a pole.

"Um..." Draco blushed

"You love me!" Hermione gushed, "whoever knew that Draco Malfoy was capable of love?" She joked pulling Draco's book out of his hands as he tried to hide behind its pages.

"I take it back!" Draco said quickly.

Hermione looked ambivalent, "you can't." She said finally after a moment of silence. "Did you mean it?"

"Do you love me?" Draco asked.

"You can't skip around the question Draco, did you mean it?"

"I believe I do. I love you Hermione, you're the most amazing person I've ever met." Draco said grinning from ear to ear as realisation slammed into his expression. 

"I have to go..." Hermione stuttered as she got up and disapparated.

Shit! Draco thought as he got out of the bed and looked for his clothes, why did I have to be such a blithering idiot?

"Ginny! He loves me! Draco loves me and I'm confused and I don't know why I'm here..." Hermione gushed as she reappeared next to the Potters' dining room table startling Harry and Ginny.

"Nice to see you too." Grumbled Harry as he mopped up his spilt coffee. 

"Hush Harry!" Ginny snapped, "Hermione would you like some tea, I think you ought to sit down and tell me everything." She added in a sifter tone. 

Hermione sat down her face plastered with fright. 

"Do you love him back?" Ginny finally said.

"I'm not sure. It's been too short of a time. He can't possibly really love me, he probably just likes the sex." Hermione ramble ignoring Ginny's raised eyebrow and Harry's hidden anger. "Oh god! He's probably so worried, I just got up and left!" 

"It'll be ok 'Mione," Ginny said, "look I'll get you some clothes and then you can head off into work and talk to Draco later, he'll have already left by now." She added looking at the clock. "I'll be back!" She said disapparating.

"So you and Malfoy have done it, huh?" Harry groaned.

"Oh hush Harry, stop being a baby, we're married. It's not like you're an innocent child." Hermione snapped.

"Hermione you don't take this sort of thing lightly." Harry said ignoring her remark, "I'm happy for you, but you're not seeing the facts. You said you loved Ron, yet you never followed through, if you know what I mean. I'm not denying that what you had is real, but you need to look at you and Malfoy's relationship in comparison." Harry said, "As much as I hate to say this, you love him Hermione, otherwise you would have never had sex with him. Just look at you, you're frightened that you've scared him off and you're standing up for him without a shadow of a doubt. That's what love is!" 

And at that moment, as much as Hermione hated to admit it, Harry was right. She loved Draco Malfoy, and she may have just scared him away for good. 

"I've got to go!" She said standing up suddenly. 

"Wait for your robes!" Harry called,

"I cannot wait!" Hermione snapped and she grabbed Ginny's spare coat off the rack and disapparated.

"Where'd she go?" Ginny asked returning. 

"To Draco." Harry replied picking his newspaper back up and ignoring his wife's confusion. 

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