Part 4

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Good morning, Dr. Doctor," Sophia greeted, adopting a voice of innocence. "I'm ready for my physical."

"Thats perfect Let me just get a few things and we'll get started."

The Doctor concealed a few items from the cupboard in his coat, so Sophia couldn't see what they were. He then took up position again on his chair. Moving the medical tray, so it was behind her, he placed them down and she heard them clatter, wondering what could make that noise. "I'd like to check your responses today, Miss Sophia" he informed her.

"What kind of responses?" Sophia asked, feeling both anxious and excited at the dramatic turn this first experience with her travelling companion had made.

"That is your arousal response to certain stimuli. From there I can determine your treatment," he clarified. He put the stethoscope back in his ears again, with the bell over her left nipple. Intently, he listened, telling her to breathe deeply, as he detected the not so subtle arousal response there. He set up the blood pressure monitor again and another monitor which clipped to her finger. He took out another two clips and attached them to her nipples. Sophia tried not to laugh at the site of them jutting out from the centers of both her breasts and instead bit her lip. The pressure on her erect nipples, wasn't too painful, but it sent shockwaves directly to her groin. The cuff around her arm tightened and inflated and the Doctor made some more notations in his book. He was really going all out for this.

"You're doing well so far, Sophia. Well done," the Doctor reassured her, with the same tone he had done earlier, upon examining her. She discovered that she enjoyed him talking soothingly and slightly condescending to her. From the sight of his cock, he did too. "For the next part, I need your legs spread, so I'm going to put them in some stirrups, is that okay?"

Yes, Doctor," Sophia replied.

"Good girl, let me just attach those, so we can keep your legs apart and still for the duration of the pelvic exam," he annotated, with surprising detail what he was about to do.

Sophia watched the Doctor, as he adjusted the chair, shortening it, so her bum nearly hung off the edge and pulled out a set of stirrups. He used his sonic screwdriver to get them attached properly and stable and attempted to rattle them to make sure they were on firmly. His grip on her left leg was gentle as he lifted and guided it into the first padded gutter of the stirrup. When he set up the second stirrup, for right leg as well, the Doctor bent down and whispered in Sophia's ear, "If there's anything you don't like or are uncomfortable with, our safe word is 'pears'. If you say 'pears', I'll immediately stop. Got that?"

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