Truth or Dare

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Enjoy !

Narrator's P.O.V

After several minutes Natsu stopped kissing her and stared at her as he always did.

She always wondered why he stared at her like she was some exotic animal in a zoo, it made the blood rush into her cheeks every time.

„Why are you always staring at me?" She asked shyly.

„I don't know." He bluntly answered and looked through various kind of movies.

An idea popped into Lucy's head all of a sudden.
She put her hand on his shoulder which made him turn around to her again.

„How about we...uhm..." She began to stutter.

„Hmm...?" He smirked and completely turned around to face her now.

„You want round two now?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

„No!! Of course not!!" She yelled.

„What is it then?" He asked.

„Do you maybe want to play truth or dare with me?" She asked him with big eyes.

He looked at her dumbfounded.

„What is that?" He asked curious.

Lucy was surprised.

„You don't know that game? You never played it with your friends or something?" Lucy asked back.

„No." He just said.

Lucy decided to not ask about that matter anymore because it strongly seemed like he didn't want to talk about his relation with his friends.

So she just shrugged it off.

„It's a game where you have to ask your friend 'Truth or Dare?' and if they say 'truth' you can ask them anything and they have to answer it truthfully. When they pick 'dare' instead, they have to do any task you tell them to do." Lucy explained.

Natsu smirked.

„Sounds like a game I'll like." He grinned.

„I bet." She mumbled.

„So I'll begin." He decided, Lucy just sighed.

„Truth or dare?"


„Did you like someone before you came here?" He asked.

„No...but I had a few crushes, nothing serious though!" Lucy reassured him in the end because he narrowed his eyebrows at her.

„Ah..." He just said.

„Truth or dare." It was her turn now.

„Dare." He answered.

The blonde expected him to say „dare" since he probably knew that she was gonna ask him why he even kidnapped her in the first place.

„ five pushups...uh...with 1 hand only!" Lucy snapped her fingers.

„Just that? Alright..." He shrugged his shoulders and did his task with ease, not even ten seconds had passed.

The girl looked at him with shocked eyes.

He just smirked at her and she looked away in embarrassment.

What was she thinking? Of course he could do something like that.

And he had the craziest muscles too, not even talking about his six...almost eight pack.

„Truth or dare?" He asked her again.

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