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Nettie: Just finished unpacking my stuff in my apartment.

Queen B: About time you actually replied to me. Ghosting me for the entire day! Unacceptable Dupain-Cheng

Nettie: Clo you know there's no WIFI on the plane and I had to turn my phone on aeroplane mode

Queen B: What kind of plane did you ride in. No WIFI?! And since when did anyone make that a rule?

Nettie: ...

Blondie: Chloe I suddenly feel terrified for all the first-class passengers you've travelled with.

Queen B: Excuse me. Did you just assume I travel first class?

Blondie: What you don't?

Nettie: But you hate travelling anything below that?

Queen B: I cannot believe you both. Obviously, we take daddy's private jet. Imagine! Me flying in a communal plane! What do you take me for? A peasant?!

Nettie: I flew economy...

Queen B: How did I come to be friends with a someone below the rank of peasant?

Nettie: Below peasant?!

Queen B: Jk love u rlly ;)

Blondie: Anyways how's Gotham? What ur apartment like?

Queen B: Yes what the royal tailor said!


Nettie: Since you refused to share your water during PE!

Blondie: That was weeks ago!

Queen B: I asked you if I could have some and you looked me in the eye

Queen B: Said, "what water"

Queen B: And drank all of it! Consider yourself lucky you weren't demote to slave!

Nettie: Well undemoted me!

Queen B: NO!

Nettie: hem hem* still here

Queen B: I'll settle this with you later Agreste!

Blondie: More importantly, Mari how's Gotham?

Nettie: Well it's quite dark but it's nice you know, in that creepy gothic way... they have so many gargoyles

Nettie: No, it's great so far. My apartment is gonna look epic once im through with it!

Queen B: We expect a tour

Blondie: Show meeeee

Nettie: Latttteeeerrrr

Guitarboi: Have u seen any vigalanties yet?

Nettie: Not yet but I am looking forward to seeing their costumes. That'll give me lots of inspo. Plus I wanna steal a batarang cuz those things look epic!

Queen B: Ooooooooooh get me one!

Nettie: Consider it done

Guitarboi: bad idea, bad idea

Blondie: Gotham's a dangerous and there's no cure over there. You sure ur gonna be okay?

Guitarboi: Honestly, I'm more worried for the villains. Who knows how they would come out of it if they messed with nettie

Queen B: Damn straight they don't stand a chance against our vertically challenged bundle of fury

Nettie: Take off your heels and say that to my face!

Queen B: Whatever helps you sleep at night

Guitarboi: She's not wrong tho nettie. Rulers don't lie...

Nettie: If you value your free morning croissant from the bakery I'd change your tune Luka

Guitarboi: I lied. Mari is right

Queen B: Luka you coward. Adrien pick a side! Mine obviously. Back me up!

Blondie: I made this mistake once before I'm not getting involved in this argument again. I still have the bruises from last time

Guitarboi: I'm guessing you picked chlo and you got an up-close look at our vertically challenged bundle of fury

Blondie: Mistakes were made...

#1Fencer: Yes, I remember seeing that. It was particularly hilarious. You didn't stand a chance

Blondie: We don't speak of it here!

Queen B: Unless she can teleport, she can't hurt you Adrien now pick MY side!

Nettie: Gammiiiiii they're bullying me 

Blondie: Nope. I'm not taking any chances

Mari: A wise choice Adrien

#1Fencer: Bullying a girl about her height now that is a new low, even for you Couffaine!

Guitarboi: Hey! As I said I was mistaken! And they're the ones doing the majority of the bullying! Why single me out?!

#1Fencer: Chlol's too well connected for me to go up against, besides girls stick together. And technically I can't lay hands on Adrien bcs of my parents and his job as model. Plus why would I want to damage his face it's a national treasure!

Blondie: Awwwwww thank you gami! I'll just ignore the front bit tho...

Guitarboi: So I'm basically the only one you can get away with beating up am I right?

#1Fencer: Precisely. So I'd watch your back if I were you

Guitarboi: Now who's bullying who!

#1Fencer: I call it karma; you'll get what coming

Blondie: Well this took a rather ominous turn

Queen B: Moving on, Mari. What time is it over there?

Nettie ...

#1Fencer: Marinette, answer the question

Mari: 2:34...

#1Fencer: Sleep

Guitarboi: Sleeepppp now!

Blondie: Now she tells us!

Queen B: if you don't get your butt into bed immediately, I will be flying over. You know I will!

Nettie: Chilllll it'll be fine

Quenn B: BED NOW!

Mari: Okay, fine, night

#1Fencer: Liar. I can see you on Instagram.

Mari: It's just your imagination...

Guitarboi: GOODNIGHT MARINETTE  *passive aggressive smiley emoji


Hope you liked it. Sorry for the delay. Hopefully very soon you'll get another proper chapter soon. I've got two in the works but they need some serious editing before they can see the light of day. So till then thanks for reading! 

Feel free to comment ur thoughts, feelings and ideas. Constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated!

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