- T H E F R I E N D -

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I want to know.
I want to know what happened to you.
What happened to us.
We had it going so good.
But what happened?
Why'd we drift apart?
Why'd you push me away?
Was it because you saw my feelings for you?
Was it because I was too open with you?
Was I too loud?
Or too quiet.
Did I laugh too much?
Or not enough.
Was I annoying you?
Did I confuse you too often?
Or was it because I disgusted you?
Was it my flaws that scared you away?
My weight.
My style.
My voice.
My personality.
The bits and pieces I told you of my past.
Or was it the rumours.
The half-truths that the students whispered in class.
But even through that.
I thought we were good.
I thought our friendship would last.
I mean even if we didn't move forward I was okay with being friends.
Just. Friends.
So what happened?
What did I do?
What did I say?
What scared you away?

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