- I T R I E D -

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I tried.
I tried to stay above.
Above the water.
But I'm sinking.
My body is heavy.
My heart is clenching.
My lungs are closing up.
My skin is turning blue.
And you'll carry on.
Oblivious to my silent struggle.
Your so close to me.
But your warmth is fading.
Your image is turning hazy and unfocused.
The waters pulling me away.
Pushing me down.
I'm sinking.
Away from you.
Away from what we could've had.
You'll leave me.
You'll be a few steps ahead.
A few steps out of reach.
And I won't be able to catch up.
The water will slow me down.
It'll push me under.
Keep me there.
I'll sink.
I'll drown.
And you will carry on.
Never noticing my absence.
Just as you had when I was by your side.

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