- T O L O V E -

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T O  L O V E

Love is a strange word.
With a strange meaning.
And gives you a strange feeling.
As I was growing up I had never felt true love.
But now I have.
I feel love for my family.
I feel love for my friends.
The only love that I was surprised by.
Was my love for you.
It started in class.
You sat next to me and smiled.
I felt a pleasant stir in my stomach.
At lunch.
We laughed together about each others laughs, again, I felt that stir.
In the P.E
My hand accidentally skimmed across yours.
Again, I felt that feeling.
In the morning, our knees knocked together as we snickered at the by passing teachers.
Again and again.
I felt that stir, the pleasant tingle that came from my heart.
That damn feeling.
My damn heart.
And the thing that I hate the most.
Is that I'm not mad.
I'm not mad I fell for you.
I'm not mad about the feeling I get when I'm near you.
What I'm mad about is that I let you go.
I let you drift away from me.
Becasue I was too shy to hold onto you.
That's what I'm mad about.
To love someone you must hang on to them, I let you go.
And now look where that got me .
To love you must feel the pain with the happiness.
I've felt the pain.
Now I'm just waiting for the happiness.

The ramblings of a teenage girlWhere stories live. Discover now