Chapter three: Snow

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Even though Snow had worn a raincoat she was still soaked from head to paws. She shivered as she reread the letter. She was cold and not in the mood for anything. And the letter just made her feel many mixed emotions, excitement, fear, and she strangely felt.. sad. Her mother would have jumped up, made snow the most beautiful dress, and taken away all that fear of being judged and stared at. But now that she was not here to comfort Snow, and tell her how beautiful she was, even with her strange eyes.

A few minutes passed, of Snow debating whether or not to go.

I've never been to a ball. Or anything that formal before. I have nothing nice to wear.. do i have to go? What would mother want me to do? Now that she's not here I don't think I could bare to go.. alone. She would tell me to continue my life the way I want, not to let her passing make me unhappy.

Snow stared at the letter blankly. When she thought about it, she realised that she did want to go.. and she most certainly could not go to a ball looking the way she did now. So she headed to her bathroom to have a most dreaded bath.

Snow's house was beautiful, to her at least. She had a nice kitchen, nice bathroom, nice garden. The best part was the bedroom.

Her bedroom had a small bed up against the wall, a chest that contained her clothes and belongings, there was also a mirror mounted onto the wall above the chest, and beside the chest there was a small desk, over looking a beautiful view of the country side through the the window. She liked to sit at her desk and look out over the trees and the flowers. In the distance she could she the castle towering higher than any tree and larger than any house she'd ever seen. It stood out amongst the trees and sometime Snow could see cats walking around the court yard cleaning the windows and sweeping the floor. that very window, was one of the reasons she chose to buy this cottage, keeping in mind that there wasn't really that many choices anyway.

Snow usually hated having to bath, cats hated water after all. But as she pored the water over her head, her mind was elsewhere. She stepped out of the bath, and rapped the towel around herself and dried off. She didn't have to look through her chest of clothes to know that she had nothing to wear.. she did have some material though..

It's not like I have anything better to do, she thought looking out her window as the rain pattered down on the roof.

So she spent the rest of the day sitting on her bed (avoiding the buckets that caught the water from the leaking roof) , hand sewing a silk dress. It was a light faded blue, and was a bit frayed at the end but Snow wasn't bothered as she thought it was a rather nice dress. It was the nicest thing she owned. Some cats saw the quality in expensive rare items and clothing, but Snow rather preferred handmade things over store bought.

Snow thought the dress was beautiful, and she could almost see her mother wearing it. That's why it looked the way it did, because Snow made the dress seem like something she would wear. Like she was almost taking her mother along with her to this ball.

Snow slipped the silk sleeves over her shoulders and was surprised how well it fit. The ruffled sleeves sat perfectly on her shoulders and her tail peeked out from underneath the dress as Snow looked into the mirror, her one green eye and her blue eye were shining in the light from her window. The rain had stopped. Snow took her dress off and placed it on the bed. She emptied all the buckets of water onto the garden, and emptied one onto her hanging plant.

Snow felt hungry after sewing all day, she only ate a small slice of bread, knowing that there will be much nicer food at the ball.

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