Chapter five: Snow

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The moon was bright and the stars were glowing like fireflies. The castle was grand and huge and everyone was well dressed and well mannered. It was nothing like how Snow could've imagined.

"This way," Panther said, walking regally towards an archway. They had come around the palace, walking between bushes and jumping over falling logs. From where they were now, Snow guessed they were well enough away from the castle to notice that, the garden had become messier and less tended to. The music could still be heard, quietly in the distance. The crickets and nocturnal creatures never ceased to fill the gaps of silence that hung in the air.

The archway was crafted out of smooth wood. It's paint was crumbling from the surface, pale wood revealing through it's cracks. It was the element of ageing that made the archway enchanting and beautiful.

Along a swirling dirt path weaving in between towering trees, they walked. Flowers blossomed from bushes and thorns on rose's stem.

Snow followed Panther's determined pace and her elegant steps. Panther turned and said, "Here, I'd say this is somewhere far enough to be private."

"Yeah" Snow breathed. The surroundings were gorgeous. Snow stood in a clearing centring a crystal clear lake that reflected moonlight. There were bushes draped in dewdrop covered flowers. Areas of moss grew near the edges of the lake, and vines climbed over large rocks. The stars peaked through the trees, and an light orange snake with dappled yellow splotches hung from a branch.

"Do you come here often?" Snow asked. "Yeah, it's the only place I can be away from my mother." Panther replied.

The music was somewhat louder here and Snow assumed they were behind the castle and closer to the music then before.

The golden embroidery on Panther's red gown caught the light of the moon.

The princess and the cottage maiden were facing one another. As their eyes met, Snow was filled with a bursting sensation of butterflies inside her. Snow stepped closer and could see Panther's face relax. The bottled up emotion flowing in golden spirals in her eyes.

Panther's past, filled with empty halls and an empty heart, no love and no colour. Panther's future, to lead Emerald Hills into greatness and to pass on the throne. But what reflected in her dark iris in a pool of golden yellow, was her present.

This very moment.

Frozen in time.

Just the two of them.

Just two cats. Two hearts finding each other. Just two distant stars out of a million in the sky.

The music grew louder as Snow awoke from her daydream. Without really thinking, Snow took Panther's paw and said, "May I have this dance?" Snow hated how sappy she sounded, but Panther played along. In a posh, playful tone she answered, "You may."

First, to start the dance, they circled one another. Following the rhythm of the music. Then with a twirl and a few steps towards each other, they stood on their back legs then jumped up spinning in mid air and landing gracefully on the grass. Spinning back out again, the music got more intense. The two exchanged a look, and started to dance faster. Twirling and laughing while attempting to keep up with the music, stopping when the song ends.

The two cats lay on the grass completely out of breath. "hahaha! That was fun! Exhausting but fun!" Panther said after a moment of panting.


A moment of silence followed when both cats were lost in their own thoughts.

That was fun. I'm glad Panther thought so too. I came here to see the palace and try the food, I didn't plan on this... quick say something!

"I wonder how many stars there are, and if anyone has ever tried to count them. They seem to go on for infinity." Snow wondered aloud.

"I've tried to paint them before but there's just so many! Besides nothing could ever capture it's beauty." Panther said dreamily.

Snow turned her head to look at the princess, "I can see the stars in your eyes, that captures the beauty quite well." Snow said.

Panther smiled. "When can I see you again?" She asked, meeting her gaze.

"Oh believe me, you haven't seen the last of me yet"

At this moment in time Snow and Panther had never been as happy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2021 ⏰

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